Reviews from

in the past

Saw this for basically pennies on sale, and decided to give it a go. This is a very frustrating experience, not because its hard, but because you can see how in a different universe there is a version of this game that is good, great even. A particular complaint for me is the artstyle. Don't get me wrong, the game has an animated, cartoony look to it that is really pretty, but I take issue with how it handles its premise. Hyper intelligent fish on mech suits with a medieval aesthetic? Sign me the fuck up! It's an incredibly original idea that sadly gets wasted in my opinion. The robot designs are nice, but there's not nearly enough and the enemies start repeating pretty fast. They're funny looking and I like them, but there's no point to them being all fish. It feels like they came up with the idea but then immediately forgot about the fish part. It does not influence the story, any mechanics or the environment. They're just fish and they can subsist on oil and antifreeze, shut up. I am genuinely surprised there's no underwater section at any point, they're not always great, but it would've helped with the monotony. There's like 3 biomes in the game, and they are all bland. Combat is serviceable, and after a few upgrades found it does feel pretty good to control Attu, but the enemies barely evolve their tactics and besides the movement upgrades everything you get feels useless. I basically never used bombs for anything that wasn't breaking walls and the different flavors of electricity you get near the end seem like they might do more damage to certain enemies but I could never quite tell. There's a lot of pieces of armor too, but I basically only equipped stuff that gave me extra damage. some sort of transmog system might've been nice, cause I think there's some drip to be made mixing and matching pieces. Music was whatever, it felt like there was 3 tracks at most, and the story is nonexistant. You get a cutscene at the start, and one at the end that's basically just "good job" with nothing inbetween. No dialogue either, the only character you meet that isn't trying to kill you is the merchant and they never say anything. They have a cool design but they might as well just be a vending machine. I have been pretty rough on this game, but I think it can be decently fun, it just makes me sad to imagine how it might've been better. I'm hoping the devs one day circle back to this and a theoretical feudal alloy 2 is made, there's just so much that could be expanded on.