Reviews from

in the past

Ótimo remake de um clássico, com ótimas mecânicas, trilha sonora, inimigos e chefes, q peca nos protagonistas não terem personalidades próprias, mas ainda permanece um bom jogo para se jogar hoje em dia.

Nota: 7/10 (★★★☆) - Bom

Un comienzo sencillo para una de las franquicias más importantes de la historia de los videojuegos. Todo está bien aquí, a excepción de la dificultad que es prácticamente inexistente salvo en su jefe final que te obliga a farmear muchos niveles porque el salto que pega respecto a los enemigos anteriores es absurdamente exagerado.

A nivel artístico y musical, de sobresaliente, eso sí, al menos en la versión de GBA.

Top tier track: Opening Theme

What if they made Dragon Quest III mid

I lost my save states twice and I'm not gonna replay this shit a third time

Alright so let me look down the Ports rabbit hole real quick… ah, yes, it’s the enhanced port of the PS1 version but locked in easy mode with a worse soundtrack which itself is based on the wonderswan remake of the game, though this version stands out because it adds 4 new optional dungeons which then this port will get remade into an ugly artstyle for the PSP in the 20th anniversary edition of the game but that’s not a thing yet, we are in 2004.

Alright so yeah it’s Final Fantasy 1 again, as old as it is I still love it and man this version is really, REALLY easy with no option to make it harder in any ways.
So technically this is the ultimate version of the game unless you consider the ugly PSP remaster to be it since they both share the additional dungeons, but personally I think that none of these are the definitive versions. My go to version will always be the pixel remasters for just being superior in every way other than the extra content, so why wouldn’t I recommend this version? First of all it’s easy as piss, anyone would quickly get bored unless they are stupid like me, secondly the extra content only matters to fans of Final Fantasy since each of the 4 dungeon references FF 3,4,5,6 with its boss fights and I’m pretty sure some random guy who has never played any of the pixel games before would not care about fighting fucking Rubicante, and these dungeons are bad anyway, they only exist to add more stuff which is fair and kinda nice but the dungeon themselves are boring floors after boring floors with random gimmicks thrown in it from time to time but generally they are just boring, and they don’t really matter since by the time you’ll care about them you’ll be done with the main story and so you’ll be like level 60 or so and they are REALLY easy! I’ve heard online how hard Shiryu and Omega were and I clapped those bitches instantly it’s easy as piss! So yeah, these extra dungeons are just padding content to feed the fans, a nice touch that could be executed a lot better.

My verdict is that this version should be reserved as a second play-through but not the first, just binge the Pixel Remasters for your own sake.

I'll probably find myself revisiting this title across releases and this version is always an easy revisit for when I just want to check out the content or have a quick playthrough. It does stray to the "maybe a little too easy" side with the inclusion of mp over spell charges though. In other versions, you might debate with yourself whether or not it's worth using a precious spell charge here or perhaps to save it later while dungeon delving while in the GBA version it's just firaga for 33 straight random battles before you chug some ethers and you're ready to go again. I suppose that kinda makes things fun in spite of the original design. The Pixel Remaster version does strike the best balance between the two extremes of the original NES version and this one though.

A good start to the Final Fantasy series. While the game has a very barebones story, characters (Or rather, self-inserts), and gameplay. It's not hard to see how this game was introductory to many to the RPG genre.
The game even has some little twists that attempt to keep the story engaging, but they're small and far between.