Reviews from

in the past

Great fun with friends! Couch coop is amazing

Fun game with friends. Combat lacks depth though.

bad ui, decent game, too much rng

pretty good but 0 replayability after 1 or 2 runs

Immensely fun RPG for a group of friends. It's a little limited in terms of building but its fun and the RNG is enough for replayability.

Joguei com uns amigos meus (Alô Lux e Pato!), foi uma experiência bem nova pra mim e nos divertimos bastante, a frase "ESQUIVO E TE MATO" virou um meme supremo nesse jogo, e o arqueiro tem sabão nos pés para andar com tanta facilidade no mapa tá doido kkkkkkkkkk

Idea really appeals to me, the grids work well, the 3v3 combat is a good fit and there's plenty of builds possible, so I was expecting to really love this. Sadly, the difficulty feels all over the place and the 'confuse' status alone drops this game by another half a star.

Um otimo jogo pra passar o tempo, seria mt bom se desse pra criar suas proprias campanhas

For the King is pretty good. I only ever played 3 or 4 player co-op (mods required for >3 players). Managing where you go and what you do is interesting. You have your money, health, focus, time-sensitive quests, and rising chaos all fighting for your attention, making your choices interesting and important.
The combat falls a little flat for me. If you're lucky, you have a weapon that has multiple good abilities, but too often you have a weapon that only really has one good ability, and so combat just becomes spamming that one ability. Having abilities tied to weapons is an interesting idea, but it feels bad when you have a weapon you like that does interesting things, and then you come across a weapon that's significantly better, but also significantly less interesting. We never got especially far, and I don't anticipate finishing this game.

For the King is a frustrating game with some really interesting ideas. It attempts to combine classic TTRPG (and specifically, DnD) staples with heavier roguelike influence and a dice-system better suited to its medium.

The most notable and unique mechanical feature which For the King more or less nails is its abilities & dice. It streamlines the process in a way that is both understandable and relatively fair, in that an ability's outcome is determined only by a single character stat. Several "weighted" coin flips (e.g., stat of 75 = 75% chance of success) are made and the outcome scales with the number of successful flips. This allows outcomes to be granular, offering something other than pure success or failure. The game offers limited but rechargable "focus" pips which guarantee a roll and weigh later rolls more heavily in your favor, allowing players to guarantee (or almost-guarantee) certain outcomes. This offers a surprising amount of depth, where the decision to use focus is weighed against the cost of not having it later.

For the King is not an RPG in the traditional sense. The various campaigns are more or less set in stone and there aren't any non-gameplay decisions to be made. There is the skeleton of a story, but it's light on detail. I, personally, don't mind that FtK lets the story take a backseat because it lets the game live or die on its challenging (though sometimes acutely unfair) gameplay.

Unfortunately, it is nigh-impossible to tell what certain abilities do without either trial-and-error (and in a game that is this punishing, trial-and-error feels especially bad) or consulting an under-maintained wiki. Its help sections give decent overviews of the mechanics but are sparse on detail. This is without considering how much easier the game gets on subsequent attempts, when you know what kinds of abilities (and armor) various enemies have, the outcomes of certain events, etc. Altogether this is a game that punishes you for lacking knowledge you couldn't possibly have had.

FTK like other dice-rolling RPGs has a lot of variance - my friends and I once landed a ridiculous 1% zero-roll and started a major late-game boss prematurely. When we (somehow) defeated it we felt like we could conquer anything. Later, we faced a regular guy at about our level -- flanked by two other regular guys, as with most of the game's fights -- whose AoE attacks alone chunked a third of our health every turn, and we lost. Tis the nature of these kinds of games. When I can see them coming, like that dreaded 1% roll, I don't feel cheated -- it's just funny. But I am too often blindsided by mechanics and difficulty curves the game doesn't seem interested in helping me understand.

Le Baldur's Gate indépendant

Super fun to play with your friends. It's a hard game to complete, but it's fun.

First review of a game i'm actually still playing. Fun way to keep in contact with a friend who lives 100km away. We used to play hundreds of hours of warzone, now we play this. Decent little game, goes deeper than we thought it would. Definitely some UI and optimisation issues on the switch though

This is an alright game to play with friends. There is a lot of fun to it, but a lot of frustrating aspects as well, mostly when it comes to dealing with turns. You are often stuck waiting for another player to finish what they are doing before you can act. Which might not sound bad, however, you cannot even look at your own inventory or items many times while this is happening, so you in turn will do the same thing to everyone else when it is your turn. You can unlock additional items and things for further playthroughs, but I don't think our group is interested in playing again, after we've finally beat the final boss.

Let's all just ignore the sequel

Simplesmente é bom demais mas meus amigos não querem jogar.

O jogo se mostra bem desafiador, tem uma progressão maneira, gosto como ele trabalha os atributos nas armas, com o tempo surgem mini-bosses que aplicam efeitos no jogo até serem derrotados, o sistema de caos é uma preocupação constante, uma decisão errada pode significar o fim do seu grupo inteiro. E se precisar ir pro mar cuidado com o kraken.

A Tabletop-esque roguelike was not something I knew I needed. My friends been playing this for a lil minute and I finally locked in, this shit so fun and sometimes stress inducing.

nao tenho amigos pra jogar isso2

This shit was like my Costco ramen noodles and Baldur's Gate 3 was like my vegetable fried rice.

fun concept but then they make it cancer for no reason

cool premise but lots of issue with it that make it less fun

Whoever optimized this did a terrible job

i played it solo ( have no friends ) it wasn't that fun

My friends and I have literally never beaten the first level of this game. We have so many hours in it. It's so fucking horseshit. And while other players seem to hate that, I fucking love it. In most games, I avoid leaving things to chance. For the King seems to be built around not only leaving nearly everything to chance, but also to pressure you into taking ridiculous risks. It's a bit like Hotline Miami where the game actively encourages you to get yourself killed because that's just the only way you could possibly win. Playing it safe just means death takes longer to happen. So what this results in is constant prayers to RNGesus which either result in loud cheering or smashing your keyboard in rage. All of this leaves your adrenaline pumping, your brain calculating. You need every single advantage you can possibly get. This game keeps you focused the entire time, which means a lot in a genre that so often turns into mindless grinding for XP. One day, my friends and I are gonna beat that first level. And I'm telling you, we are going to be so fucking alive in that moment. I genuinely believe I'll cry tears of joy.

Dark Souls but the rogue like rpg elements and the cute style stops me from wanting to scream quite as much

For The King is an excellent choice for a laid-back gaming session with friends. Its RPG elements are straightforward, making it easy to pick up and play. The game’s whimsical, cartoon-like aesthetics add to its appeal. Despite its seemingly simple gameplay, it offers a genuine challenge that feels satisfying. The vibrant animations bring its enchanting world to life. While the combat may be a bit slow-paced, the game more than makes up for it with its wealth of engaging content. All in all, For The King strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and complexity, catering to both casual players and hardcore gamers alike.

Played it for 2 minutes with my friends, and we stopped because together we have 2 IQ.