Reviews from

in the past

Played in early access. Love the atmosphere, but will wait until the game is more developed.

- H.P. Lovecraft-
Este es de esos juegos que se miran muy bien y lo estan, su arte y ambiente es muy bueno, el gameplay está bien y cumple lo debido.
Tiene su buena cantidad de armas y cositas para equiparte.
Ojala siga evolucionando mucho mientras está aun en su Early access.

I’ve completed the current early access content within 5.4 hours, with all 10 levels at least 97% completion, missing one special skill and one weapon. Though I’m not sure if it’s possible to unlock everything at the moment.

I’m not a good FPS player, especially with mouse and keyboard. I always find myself playing FPS games and enjoying them regardless. I try to go with the ones that don’t require quick movements nor having good aim while moving often. FMF2 is such a game on normal at the very least. You do get ambushed and there are some exciting sections but the enemies tend to move slowly, giving you enough time to react. The controls, speed, aiming etc. also felt excellent. It’s a joy controlling your character and very satisfying shooting or hitting the enemies.

Most of the 10 levels aren’t complicated and very straight forward. You have some branches or mini-mazes but those are usually needed to find the keys to allow you to open the main doors. There are no puzzles or anything else besides finding secrets and weapon tokens. The levels do look very atmospheric and decent graphics wise. I only thought the sanctuary and cathedral had some rooms that were clearly copy pasted from each other and it was too blatant. The game is also 95% good in terms of performance (4070ti GPU). Only one spot had slowdowns/framerate issues when using the 5 levers to gain access to the 5 mini temples. This is a pleasant surprise as the demo had some very bad framerate issues that it got me worried about buying the game. I’m also impressed with the very quick load times.

Sound wise it’s decent. The sound effects feel good and the soundtrack feels good too when things become hectic and I especially like the hub music. But the music seems to be used sparingly. You have enough quiet moments too. There is clearly some voice acting planned but it’s not ready for the early access version yet.

In terms of customisation options the game seems basic. I often forget to use my specials. It’s mainly the weapons I care about. You get to buy new weapons with weapon tokens and you get to equip one weapon type and not all weapons. So you get to take around 5-6 weapons with you.

All in all I had a blast playing this. It’s not complicated in terms of mechanics or levels. It’s very easy to start playing the game with no cutscenes/bullshit, it’s the kind of game where you turn your brains off and just have fun. The quick load times also help with getting into the action quickly. Even though it’s early access, it already feels polished. I’m glad I got this despite the risks involved with EA. I’m looking forward to the new content. I’ve completed act 1 but I think there are 3-4 acts planned.

(Early Access)

John Wick for dudes in the 1910s


Normalmente eu não falo disso, mas a demo de FMF 2 tem alguns problemas que acho que podem afetar o jogo principal.

Digo isso em mais de um sentido. A build dela é antiga e tem coisas faltando, se comparado ao 1, e alguns detalhes são bem mal implementados. Fora que ela possui uma config padrão estranha pra movimento e mira. Falo disso e um pouco mais aqui:

this is like a twisted love letter to h.p. lovecraft himself, i've said this so many times and i'll never get tired. the lovecraft, poe, and even al capone portraits (yes you read that right) are a nice touch. AND THE SOUNDTRACK??? JUST CHEF'S KISS. i had a wild ride playing this and the first game. kudos to the devs!

Medal System
Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Gold
---> My Game Time: 20 min (demo)