Reviews from

in the past

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well. i am so torn on this update. on one hand, fontaine is AMAZING. i was so worried about water exploration but they handled it perfectly. exploring the region is so fun and beautiful, its probably my favourite water section in any game ever. the idea for the archon quest of solving a trial was Very fun for me as i am studying criminology/forensics and have a deep love for games like ace attorney ♡

on the other hand, however .. the characters. i love lyney and lynette. i genuinely adore them. something just still doesnt sit right with me about this reveal of them being fatui and i dont know why. it just feels weird to me. i also dont really like navia, shes annoying to have to put up with in this quest and that makes the second part drag by. idk what it is, some of the decisions just dont interest me at all

also, why tf did they not run lyney with freminet?? i would have wished for lyney asap but i needed to save for freminet who was released on the childe/zhongli banners, yuck. i just hold a bit of a grudge, unfortunately

While I didn't care for the the case of Primordial Water, or Lyney and Lynette, I really liked this introduction to Fontaine. I honestly dreading a water nation just because I tend to really dislike how games handle water-based levels but exploring Fontaine might be the best of any nation. Hard to really give a summary as it's still so new to me, but hopefully as we get further into the patches and I spend more time in the world, I'll be able to put it into words lol

oh where do i even begin Version 4.0 holy shit i have no words to describe this update it was perfect the archon quests and lyneys story and the presention it was perfect the 11 month wait was worth it i just want to know whoevers in charge of the writing for fontaine if its the same as the sumeru writing team props to you you already made fontaine a great first impresssion on me if you havent already i beg you please play all the storys that are out currently they are worth your time it has left me speechless and I cannot wait for version 4.1

Fontaine's archon quest started really strong and good. Let's see where it goes.
Really liked the new characters so far.
Also, underwater exploration is pretty fun!