Reviews from

in the past

i wish the gameplay was as good as the graphics

Meu deus que péssima desculpa pra um jogo. Bonito? Sim, mas é só isso. Que jogo sem alma. Parece que seguiu uma receita pra pegar tudo que deveria funcionar num mundo aberto e replicar e ainda sim não consegue. Fraco, preguiçoso e, sinceramente, muito chato.

Juego increíble pero flojea en la trama

"You Have No Honor." - Lord Shimura
"And You Are A Slave To It." - Jin Sakai

ε(´。•᎑•`)っ જ⁀➴Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece that seamlessly blends captivating storytelling with breathtaking visuals and addictive gameplay. Jin Sakai's journey from samurai to ghost is filled with emotional depth and moral dilemmas, while the side quests offer glimpses into the lives of Tsushima's inhabitants. And let's not forget the adrenaline-fueled combat and the serene moments of exploration amidst the stunning landscapes. It's a game that truly immerses you in feudal Japan in its own uniueness.

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Seria um 5 se o cavalo não morresse e eu ficasse traumatizado.

I wrote this review on grouvee when i played it last month and now im copy and pasting it here

You have played this exact game but at least it hasnt sounded, felt , or looked this good before.
got to act 3. The art design is beautiful the sound design is amazing the music is very fitting, the combat can be satisfying but this is essentially the frame of a ubisoft open world game. The narrative is straightforward and predictable and this would be a lot more palatable if there was a single COMPELLING character but there isn't not even really Jin. Jin's whole thing is his decent from an honorable warrior to someone who is willing to do anything to get his home back and since he is a very unemotive and dry character he comes off as more a character arc happening in front of you than someone you care for being drastically changed by the world around him. His character isnt bad and the side characters that flesh him out through dialogue arent that bad either, but that the problem is everything is "not that bad". I know its like peak hubris to say the game would have been better if blank but, Since it was a suckerpunch game I thought they were going to do an honor system where the world would change its view on you based on how you engaged in combat, which would add another layer to engaging with its systems and combat scenarios. It would have also been cool if the combat was even a little bit slightly challenging because then it would be even harder to fight enemies face on and you would have to choose carefully how you would want to engage. This would have caused Jins character arc, the gameplay, its difficulty, and your approach to that difficulty to all synergize. Instead it does not matter how you approach combat scenarios since the world and the story will still treat you as if you are doing the worst things imaginable to the mongols, and on top of that its very easy to just become a parry god. Even on the harder difficulties i would just play my flute while walking into camp and then parry attack, kill the guys who are terrorized, use bow and arrow bullet time on the bow enemies, use smokebombs to do to free assassins kills and then its like boom youve just taken out a act 3 big boy camp in like 3 minutes. I understand this couldnt have been done if they wanted to appeal to a larger audience or what not but hey its cool its a beautiful game, i think its worth playing, just nothing about it is going to stick with me other than what it could have been and maybe a lot of the world i mean man those beaches and trees look so pretty its a really really pretty game man.

لعبه رهيبة ذات تصميم عالم جميل جدا وخلاب للاسف لم تعجبني القصه للدرجه الكافيه

4.25.24: close to finishing, will log soon.

Love it . Great Graphic . Reall good fight system . Great Story

Some of the side things might be a little trite and it's like yeah I get it we gotta take over another camp, but slicin' and dicin' people up with a samurai sword is radical and there's just no getting away from that.

Good game, wears thin at the end. Side content gets very repetitive.

combat is fun, looting isn't rdr2 ass, very pretty colors, music is gorgeous.

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her şeyinizi kaybedin sonra bi kaç anı bikaç derin yara bir kaç sıkı dost birkaç kayıp daha ah iki adası ah.

They killer the horse...and forced me to care for a new one in the last chapter...never forgive them for that!

The Assassins Creed game that we deserved.

muito bom e tbm é melhor que sekiro

My girlfriend made me play it on her PS4 on the hardest difficulty. It’s actually fun but very hard! Also the art style is crazy! It’s just so pretty!

Esse jogo é um espetáculo, tem uma direção de arte magnifica junto com um mundo aberto que conversa o tempo inteiro com a historia daquele mundo. A gameplay dele não fica para trás e também deixa qualquer um de queixo caído. A única questão que esse jogo peca é que ele poderia ser bem mais em muitos aspectos e isso ao meu ver fica evidente até o fim da jornada.

It has everything I love, but how boring it got in the final stretch.

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virgin "tienes que luchar con honor 😭" vs chad "le voy a poner fentanilo a la comida de tu padre cuando no mire y a ti te voy a meter una bomba cuando estes durmiendo"

most beautiful open world of all time

O que eu mais gostei do jogo foi o combate, muito bom!

Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely breathtaking. The world of Tsushima is gorgeous, the combat system feels satisfying and fluid, and the story hits some really emotional notes. Exploring on horseback, writing haiku, taking down Mongol camps – it's the perfect samurai power fantasy! Sure, some side quests are forgettable, but the core experience is so strong. If you haven't played this yet and you own a PlayStation, fix that immediately.

Jin Sakai, "The Ghost". A truly captivating story that shows the terror and sacrifices of war. What would you do to protect those you love. Would you do things that sully your honor? Would you see it as sullying your honor, or doing what must be done to protect your home.
A battle of ideologies plagues Jin and his uncle. "You Have No Honor." "And You Are A Slave To It."
A game I will never forget. Characters that stick with you. A world that is breathtaking to roam.