Reviews from

in the past

This was the first game I ever 100% completed in the before times when we lived in a blissful ignorance of the TERF who made the franchise came to light. The game itself is a wonderful RPG and one of the few games where getting the card collectibles didnt make me want to blow my brains out

Unexpected RPG, it's engaging but the majority of spells are useless when you have Incendio. The map is not easy to navigate, sometimes even confusing, and there are a lot of flaws in the equip such as not knowing if a item you are buying is better than another and which one of the character can actually equip it. But hey, I had fun

Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban (2004): Es un apañado juego de rol, que aunque sencillo y no muy bien balanceado, es entretenido y agradable. Eso sí, en lo demás es una chapuza y cutre hasta el extremo. Aunque si con un juego te lo pasas bien, a veces es suficiente (5,80)

actually i think my mom played this mostly

Un RPG classique mais efficace retraçant le troisième volet de la saga Harry Potter. Plusieurs embranchements possibles et une nouvelle partie + apporte une rejouabilité au jeu appréciable. Mention spéciale aux musiques qui donne une ambiance magique et mystérieuse au titre.