Reviews from

in the past

Took me two hours to complete this garbage.
£30 well spent.

I feel bad for the voice actors who were the only ones putting actual effort into this piece of crap.

다현이, 채영, 쯔위, 우린 바로 TWICE! TWICE!

Não ironicamente o primeiro Andry Birds é mais jogo que isso aqui.
Se fosse pra definir esse jogo em uma palavra, seria "preguiçoso". Batalhas altamente repetitivas, gráficos mal polidos, cutscenes trocadas por slides, no final, Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash parece aqueles jogos que vem instalados em tablets da positivo.

PS: Boa sorte na última luta contra o trio principal.
Dica: usa o mahito, e fica spamando especial junto com o E.

Gojo did NOT die for this 😭😭

I actually got the platinum for this trash and I can wholeheartedly say: ignore this shit

never to be topped 🔥🔥🔥

Minha experiência foi: Abri o jogo, achei o menu feio, escolhi o personagem, tentei jogar por 5 min, fechei o jogo e desinstalei.
Uma vergonha isso aqui ser vendido full-price.

This is a disrespect with JJK fans.

só vim dar nota ruim fodase kkkkkkk

didnt expect much. received worse

esse é o seu legado, pós-modernismo?

era so pegar qualquer jogo do naruto e botar skin

the best game of all time ; unmatched

porque logo o PRIMEIRO JOGO de jujutsu tem que ser uma merda? PORQUE DEUS???????

"Are you ready for your Fighting Game lessons?"

Tekken 8 gulps

SF6 breathes heavily

UNI2 nods nervously

GGST sighs

KOF dry heaves

Granblue Fantasy vs. gasps for air

Blazblue gets teary eyed

DBFZ stares blankly

"Yes, Cursed Clash." they say in unison

i really wanted this to be a great game but its not i hope in the future with patches they can polish up the game? (copium)

Decepcionante. Péssimo. Tinha potencial

Eu finalizei o jogo com 100% de progresso, e bem fácil, mas eu acho que a Namco deve ter algum tipo de merda na cabeça pq esse jogo parece um jogo mobile portado pro pc custando 250 reais, não sei que porra eles acham que tem louco que vai pagar isso sem meter num torrent antes, enfim se for comprar na steam que espere alguns anos até ficar muito barato e tbm vc precisa curtir o anime pra aturar algumas lutas desse game, no mais, muito mediano pra ruim

I played like a solid two hours of this game before I decided it wasn't worth more than that. Movement is probably the biggest compliment I can give this game as the actual combat isn't very good. The act of moving my characters felt better than the norm, but that is it. Characters don't feel good to attack neither having some very sluggish attacks. Combos felt rather restrictive with not much in the way of fun feeling stuff to experiment with. I feel like I had to research most of the characters I played too as not a lot was immediately intuitive.

The game also lacks a lot of flair instead opting for a very visually dull game with equally lame super attacks. The story is very rote for a licensed anime fighter too. Voice work on top of that kinda sucks in both languages being very bland performances compared to the anime showings. The two hours I spent were already quite draining and I did not want to play more after that.