Reviews from

in the past

parasaurolophus 7 needs more fresh water in its exhibit

I did not expect to love this game as much as i did but man it's just a fun and well crafted park builder with a challenging yet fun story mode

the dinosaur models are insane and i did get in a good 15 hours before getting bored. maybe get planet zoo instead if you're no fussed about dinos specifically

Jurassic Park: "Nature as we know it is chaos, especially nature beyond the reaches of human knowledge, and to try to bend it to our will for the sake of personal advancement is the most fatal of hubris."

This game: "Okay so each dinosaur has seven sliders and as long as you keep those sliders in the blue nothing will ever change or go wrong, except for whatever story mode's bullshit mission system throws at you or occasionally a tornado. Have fun making a lot of money that you can't actually do anything with!"

É um tycoon de dinossauros, quem não gosta de tycoon?

i like seeing dinos eat people

extraordinarily annoying but also really fucking fun