Reviews from

in the past

A very fun short experience that plays with chess. The wacky rules are super fun to figure out and adapt to. Even though it's tough at the start I had a lot of fun!

Very cute and well-designed lil chess game

King of the Bridge is pretty fun.
Learning all the bizarre rules and learning how to abuse them is a lot of fun, and the game has made me laugh more than a few times.
The extra achievements are also fun to get, and some of them are a real challenge. Definitely worth the 3 bucks if you like chess, or if you don't. You don't actually have to know how to play chess to play the game, although it does help.

A fun silly little game.
I just wish there were more rules really.

Very cute, very goofy, watched someone play this, then forced my friend too. 10/10 would become king again

Very good for what it is. I wish it got a little bit weirder but can't really complain for the price.

Very clever game. The value proposition isn't something I can accurately way from any experience, being that I'm borrowing this game from a friend's account, but I'd say that $3.25 (my region's pricing) is a definitely suitable price for what you get out of it. The game is clever in a way that a lesser designer might stumble beyond the initial introductory phase of a player's experience, but King of the Bridge continues to deliver in spades post it's "gotchas" running out. It's gist is about all I can say without spoiling it too much, where you play a wacko version of chess without knowing all the rules until they're relevant. It's a pleasant brain teaser and well worth the time I put in. (I got both the bad and good ending.)

Cute little puzzle game, but way too short and non-replayable.
To be completely fair it is replayable, but it is not really worth it, at least in my opinion; after an hour and a half I got bored.
Regardless, it is still a nice and fun 30-60 min game.

exactly how I played chess against my cousins when I was a kid making up every rule as I go through fun times. also the twist at the end of this... oh my god like I'm gonna be thinking about it for the rest of the year nothing compares

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more chess should be like Goblin Chess

Fun little chess clone with a decent hook. Graphics were charming, concept was interesting and quick to learn and it was priced well for a short little experience.

You play chess against a demon/troll thing. But your opponent sometimes cheats, giving you the opportunity to call them out as a cheater. The trick is there are some unique rules to this game conveyed to you through a rule book. Rules are obscured until they happen on the field meaning you'll probably fail a few times as you learn the rules. I legitimately became consumed with beating the troll after he cheated against me so many times, or did things that were 'legal' but I wrongfully called him out which results in an instant game over. Really started throwing myself against the wall once I became engrossed.

I spent a little over an hour beating it my first time, then tinkered around a few more times for another hour. Definitely worth the price of entry. I saw this is a solo indie devs first release and I hope it does well for them since it's such a solid first game.