Reviews from

in the past

I love strategy game, and tycoon game is one of them. This game is fun, but some I feel like the control, is a bit cranky.
it feels tiring to do a lot of clicks. Like for example, dividing the workload for the zookeeper or the janitor. This game has a lot of room of improvement. I'll go back to this game again, if it got update for control

The concept felt very fun to begin with. However, as my zoo grew in size and I managed more employees, animals, and shops, my interest began to dwindle away. The entire "upkeep" of the zoo began to feel overwhelming and the further I progressed the less I enjoyed the game. I understand this is most likely the idea for a tycoon game like this but I don't believe this one was for me. I enjoyed the music and 8-bit animation but I moved on without completing it on my backlog journey. On to Sea of Stars!

Puanının bu kadar düşük olmasına şaşırdım ama ben bu oyunu kafa dağıtmak için oynadım, ve ciddi anlamda keyif aldım.
Planet Zoo gibi hem daha çok sistem gerektiren, hem de oyuncunun pür dikkatini isteyen bir oyun yerine arkada müzik açıp kendi 2D hayvanat bahçeni oluşturmak çok eğlenceliydi.

Hayvanlar çeşitli ve hepsi birbirinden tatlı. Kostümizasyon konusunda çok iyi seçenekler var ve hayvanat bahçenizi istediğiniz gibi dekore edebiliyorsunuz. Oyundaki skill ağacı beklenmedik bir ilerleme isteği oluşturuyor ve yeni mekanikler ve dekorasyonlar açıyorsunuz.

Hayvanat bahçesini yönetmek oyun ilerledikçe keyifteen çok zorla iş yapıyormuş hissi verdirtiyor. Bazı QoL eksikliklerinden dolayı bir bakıyorsunuz 10 dakka bakmayı unuttuğunuz domuzların sayısı 5 katına çıkmış. Bunun gibi senaryolar çok yaşanıyor, belki çözümleri vardır ama internette de aynı sorunlarla karşılaşan çok insana denk geledim.

Bu oyun çerezlik bir management oyunu, beklentiyle girmezseniz keyifli vakit geçirebiliyorsunuz. Baby's first Planet Zoo gibi bir görev de görebiliyor. Fiyatı Steam dolara geçtikten sonra ne kadar oldu bilmiyorum ama ben 40 liraya almıştım, kesinlike worth.

Oyunun 2 DLCsi var, birisi akvaryum temalı diğeri dinazor temalı. Onları oynayacak fırsatım olmadı, ama baya fazla content ekliyorlarmış gibi gözüküyor.

i played zoo tycoon as a kid and i picked up this game thinking it would scratch that itch. it did, and consumed my life to boot. i played more than 40 hours of this game in two weeks. maybe not a lot for some, but for me it's uncharacteristic for one game to consume me so.

towards the end of this game's runtime (around 30 hours or so for most, it seems) this game becomes a pretty extreme drag. it becomes a chore to find the last variants of animals to trade for the last species you need. at one point i completely stopped caring about my zoo rating while i single-mindedly focused exclusively on breeding, so i could "finish" this game.

with it becoming such a chore to finish, you might think i'd rate this game poorly. just the opposite; i still love this game (part of why i was so intent on finishing it was so i didn't come to resent it), and i'm excited to play the aquarium and dinosaur dlc! ...after a long break, of course.

é legal, não chega a ser um zootycon. Estagnei em uma parte do jogo que não consigo evoluir n sei pq

It essentially becomes cookie clicker after a while.

interesting game but gets way too overwhelming quickly. i wish there was a speed option or a better way to remodel. once you add more stuff your zoo gets super cluttered. also the splicing confuses me.. i didn't know what to do with them once i got them.

also glad i gave this game another chance, the demo didn't immediately click with me, but it is very fun!

a fun little builder but has a lot of issues with dumb ai and staff not doing their jobs. the biggest thing that killed the game for me was the trading as sometimes it just took so long to get one of the animals and luck was not in my favor for the trade.

I still think it's a fun little zoo builder with a lot of customization and personalization but for me, it falls short of the older zoo tycoon games.

An addictive little zoo tycoon game. I admit that after a certain point, you start doing the same things, but it's a very fun game.

Fun game where you build and maintain a zoo. The Art style is nice, and there's pretty good progression through getting new animal variants. I did however find the game very repetitive, with a lot of micromanaging with some of the animal habitats, as well as managing the workers.

I'm sure there's a lot of fun here to be had for those that enjoy these kinds of games, but I don't think the game is for me.

It's definitely not the best game but I latched on and will not let go

Simplistic tycoon game and moral system is kinda cool. Funny and light hearted and not much else to say, simply a decent game that kept me entertained for a couple days.

Fun zoo building game with morals. Getting all the achievements is an arse thou.

I had a lot of fun playing this management game. Some things could be improved and some parts are pretty repetitive, however for the time I sunk into and the enjoyment it game me it deserves a high rating. If you are into management/building sims and especially when you want to make everything "pretty" this game is a blast.

to me atleast, lost playability