Reviews from

in the past

A blindingly bright sun sharpens and softens the silhouette of a cityscape. Short trips under the surface show its inner workings, illuminated artificially and by sunlight piercing through perforations in the hull. It does feel like a walk around the city during a cold clear winter day, the infinite blue sky replaced by a brightness your eyes can't adjust to, the details of the structures so bright and detailed they become abstract.

I'm not very familiar with Oliver Shore's work - I've been introduced to it by NaissanceE and some shared ideas are certainly present here, but it feels less mysterious and oppressive, more playful even, more intimate and person-scaled. Interesting is the use of transparent, organic and sometimes living shapes that seem to be an important motif in the author's work, but I frankly don't know enough about it.

It obviously is very abstract and short - and inspirational. I'll think about how it's using the sun, shadows and most surprisingly aliasing - the very low resolution forcing jagged edges, broken lines and moire effects on you; an unwanted artifact with hundreds of man-hours spent on researching and eliminating it given a new role. Why not give the unwanted another chance - let's take a walk beneath the highway in the sky.