Reviews from

in the past

Mediocre visual novel with awfully repetitive and unpolished action gameplay attached.
+ very nice art in dialogue scenes
+ serviceable story told in a succinct manner
+ unique characters who can be romanced regardless of gender or species
- superficial dating mechanics without payoff
- 30 fps cap (unlockable through cheat engine)
- extremely simple gear and crafting system
- only a handful of cheap-looking environments (especially considering the game engine)
- unfun brawler combat (loose hitboxes, constant stunlocks, nonexistent complexity in enemies or mechanics)
- insane grinding requirements that make a 10x experience multiplier seem reasonable

This scratched an itch for me. This game isn't terribly deep and encourages you to grind for ingredients to make different weapons.

I'm an unashamed dating sim lover and the dating part of this was very fun for me.

The general plot is you are the last demon lord that was at war with the heros and you and the heros have a battle where both parties seemingly blink and wake up to humanity being the dominant society. A government worker informs you that you and the heros are classified by the administration as endangered species and they commission you to go on missions and task you with reproducing. You get hearts by selecting dialogue choices and picking a partner to go on missions with. One thing I appreciate is the game will let you know who you'll end up getting hearts with when the dialogue option matters which is good for this game cause you might end up grinding missions (depending on the kinda player you are).

Got it on sale purely based on the god tier protagonist character design but the game is flat and boring. Not sure what else I expected tbh. I think I would've loved something like this back on the Vita 10 years ago.

I'm really liking the characters and VN/Dating Sim aspects, but the combat is pretty bad. I still want to see where it goes so i'll come back to it later.