Reviews from

in the past

never beat this one but I like it. I have a very cordial relationship with it.

We need a Modern Mario and Luigi Cartoon!

Exists in the weird limbo of "I can tell this is well crafted, but it does absolutely nothing for me."

Love the gimmick of controlling both brothers at the same time.

Es de mis rpg favoritos. Es súper divertido y viciante.

mario y luigi: sonidos italianos
yo: esto es cine

dunno if its a hot take but superstar saga is my favorite in the series, one of the best turn based rpgs ive ever played

This was the last Mario and Luigi game I got around to playing, and maybe my expectations were set too high, but I wasn't too impressed with this game. It's fun, no doubt, but all of the fun in this game is present in (most of) its sequels, so I don't know why I would come back to this one in particular outside of nostalgia... which I don't have since I didn't play this one as a kid. Whoops...

Toad being flabbergasted by Mario's schlong was a reminder to me that video game's are art. Nice, simple and efficient rpg with a real earworm of a battle theme

i loved this game when i was a kid and surprise i still love it now

Um ótimo RPG, muito engraçado devido à expressividade exagerada dos personagens.

L'unica rottura di cazzo è il modo in cui gli NPC insistono nel farti fare i tutorial nelle primissime ore di gioco. Per il resto, è tutto molto bello

I like this game a lot, the one big gripe I have is that backtracking through the world is confusing and you have to do it a lot in the third act. That said, combat is engaging, music is great (especially for a GBA) and it’s quite funny.

The best Mario and Luigi game by a country mile.
Superstar Saga is like riding a rollercoaster. The game has a breakneck pace that keeps it super engaging throughout its entire runtime.
I love how many twists and turns the story has. It keeps pivoting to more and more insane places. It's like playing a Looney Tunes short. It's a shame that the complete badshitery of the story was toned down in the later games, cause I had so much fun with this one.
It might not be a mechanically or thematically rich as its sequels, but it's pure dumb fun.

Great little game. End boss took me a couple of tries. Its been a while since I played a game that took repetition and muscle memory. Takes me back to older games.

Personally, the best in the series by far.

I don't find the overworld exploration or puzzles very interesting (sometimes they're aggravating), but the combat is full of neat ideas for turn-based combat, and it's a fun fleshing-out of the Marioverse. Easy, but not stupid.

raw as fuck, fun as fuck, doesnt get too complex, really good music and areas

Hilarious, funny, charming and one of the best Mario RPGs alongside Legends of the seven Stars and Paper Mario TYYD.

One of the very first Mario games I ever played when I was a kid!

Lot of good memories with this one and it’s nice to see the game still holds up today! This time around I decided to do a little challenge run where I only give the bonus upgrade to my Stache stat with every level up. It made the game a bit more challenging but not too crazy. I also tried to avoid changing my equipment but I did cave and buy new equipment for the final area.

It was nice to revisit this classic, might have to replay the other Mario and Luigi games at some point this year!

the best mario rpg FOR SURE goat ed it's a me a mario

Another good Mario RPG. My only issue this time around were the controls, but the developers did what they could with the GBA’s limited buttons so I can’t hold that over them. Still a fun time with a wacky cool story!

what the fuck was that difficulty spike at the end

Tu chega numa parte do jogo em que tem o caminho de cima e o da direita, dai tu vai no da direita e tem inimigos impossíveis que te matam e te fazem voltar pro inicio do save. E então tu pensa: “Dessa vez irei pelo caminho de cima”, e acaba encontrando inimigos impossíveis que te matam e te fazem voltar pro inicio do save.

De onde eu venho, isso tem um nome: Bad game design

In a funny little twist, the very first game of the Mario & Luigi series was the final game for me (excluding the remakes) that I had yet to play, so finding out Superstar Saga is available on the Switch was definitely a highlight of January for me :) It's such a charming little game and I'm so glad I held off watching a playthrough so I got to experience it first hand.

The pacing felt weird at times and the story line was a little all over the place? Finding out Thunderhand and Firebrand, which seem so integral to fanon interpretations of the bros, were gained by complete happenstance rather than any real necessity story-wise was very strange and the Bro Moves weren't very intuitive despite being where a majority of your damage comes from- at least in my experience.

That being said, I loved this game a lot :) I loved how much character they gave the bros and Peasley is easily a favorite.

a timeless game. started one of my favorite game series of all time, with such a strong start too.

i couldnt beat the jump rope game at the start when i was a child and that pissed me off so bad

I always viewed Mario and Luigi as a series to be less charming than the earlier Paper Mario games, and after playing this I'm glad to find out I was wrong for the most part. This game is actually pretty inventive and funny! Also really appreciated some pretty solid overworld/dungeon puzzle design. Probably ranks better than the OG Super Mario RPG in my books.