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Im a big Marvel Avengers fan but this game was not it

Marvel's Avengers has the bones of a fun and and potentially captivating game - but it seems like it was ultimately dragged down by repetition. The campaign was fun enough, but the late game just could not sustain my interest.

One of the biggest ‘fumbling the bag’ moments in video game history

Not as terrible as I thought but still not a great game. The skills were cool and I feel like it had good bones but got ruined by many other added systems. If the amount of care went into this that Guardians of the Galaxy got it would’ve been a lot better.

camp and whimsical in a way if you think about it

В финале игры Модок буквально произнёс фразу : А я все думал когда же ты появишься, и я улетел

Had the potential to be marvelous (see what I did there) but ultimately fell short in almost every regard.

Este jogo era uma ideia que não passou realmente disso. Podia ter sido algo interessante, mas na realidade custou-me a acabar a main campaign, quanto mais continuar a jogar.

5€ foi realmente o melhor preço a pagar por ele.

One enemy type. That's it. Robots, So many damb robots....

This trash is the perfect example of what NOT to do when creating a game;

- Make it a "Live Service"
- Make loot take ages to grind for
- Force the player to replay the same missions
- Repetitive combat
- False advertising
- somehow make interesting characters UN-interesting

Надежда умерла последней...

A shame this was designed with the stupidest business practises in mind, it plays quite well but is held back by brutally boring level design and enemies that fail to capitalise on all of the comic-book wackiness that they could have used. A decent campaign regardless, especially for four quid.

A história poderia ser melhor, focada mais nos nossos Vingadores clássicos e não na Ms. Marvel, tem gráficos bonitos e boas cutscenes, mas a gameplay é extremamente repetitiva, todas as missões parecem iguais.

Убогая дрочильня по мотивам знаменитой команды Мстителей.

Полная рецензия: Помню как в январе 2017 вдруг неожиданно выходит тизер этой игры, как раз на хайпе от анонса Паука PS4 и тогда я очень загорелся этой идеей, все было супер.

Но шли года, а про игру так и не было никаких больше новостей (Элден Ринг привет), но вот конец 2020 и этот проект наконец на нашем игровом столе. И не сказать что я особо разочарован, потому что первые более информативные материалы об этой игре сразу дали понять чем она будет и я перестал ждать этот проект, но пройти мимо - не мог. Что же я могу сказать?

Игра пришла к нам прямиком из нулевых годов, правда с улучшенным графоном (но не дотягивающим до показателей нашего времени) и приличным кол-вом скриптов. Все что связано с прологом игры - прекрасно, отличная динамичная, постановочная завязка, но как только игра переходит к своему кор-геймплею - начинается сон. Бесконечное закликивание разного рода мобов от арены к арене с помощью разных персонажей, геймплей за которых отличается иногда лишь косметически, но не технически.

Сюжет здесь как вы понимаете - для галочки, очень клишированный и не очень захватывающий, ведь это игра-сервис, заточенная под мультиплеер, а это уже не по мне, поэтому дроп был неизбежен. Фанатам возможно будет интересно погонять за их любимых героев парочку вечеров, но для всех остальных эта игра пережиток прошлого.

A story-focused superhero Uncharted ripoff struggling to escape it's GAAS trappings.

thought this was a porn game my bad

i honestly thought i would enjoy the game a lot more now that it isn't a life service. I didn't.

Movements are stiff, some heroes are so much better than the rest it's laughable, iron man and thor are just miles better than the other ones. The music is forgettable, the missions range from three hallways with some enemys that are barely going to attack you to a full blown city that is boring to explore since u either have the flying heroes and it's fast, take a few minutes and that's it or u have any other heroes, where moving 300 metter to open one chest is just not worth it.

Honestly the only good things i got from this game are the skins, that are mostly free now. they're funny to look at. I like them. I wish other super hero game had that many skins.

Uma das maiores decepções dos últimos anos, levou um nome tão grande como a Marvel e tinha total potencial pra futuros jogos, pena que a sua gameplay é super obsoleta, história nada original.

Marvels Avengers succeeds in creating a visually stimulating adventure game with a solid story that, aside from Thor, gives all the Avengers moments to shine and use their unique abilities in fun and exciting ways. Sandra Saad destroys it as Kamala Khan, who acts as a perfect outsider character to enter this world and unite the Avengers. Each character feels appropriate with a combat system that works the same no matter which character you play. The problem is when the campaign is over and the endgame sets in, which becomes a typical looter shooter gear grind. The problem with Marvel's Avengers is it feels dated, like it should have come out six years ago. It gets bogged down by graphical and technical mishaps, I came across a dozen weird issues as I was playing, and a gear system that feels totally underwhelming with loot that does not change the way you look, unless you've unlocked the cosmetic options, but changes your statistics which did not really mean anything. The maps and gameplay also became boring and predictable as time went by, felt like I was repeating the same actions again and again. There are shades of something great in this game. But unfortunately, they never fixed the issues. This game will now forever go down as a cautionary tale.

Chato, caro, sem graça e gameplay complicada.
A interface do jogo é levemente poluída e a mecânica de combate é... desajeitada...
Não gostei também da forma como fizeram a campanha do jogo. Não senti que as coisas eram lineares. Sei que a ideia do jogo é essa, mas não é confortável ter muitas missões no teu mapa, com várias informações cada uma, e várias cores por tudo que é lugar. Achei complicado demais.
Além disso, não senti que me diverti jogando. Até com os meus heróis favoritos achei sem graça ficar matando inimigos.

Com certeza, esse é um jogo que que passou uma impressão incrível, mas não entregou oque esperávamos. Com os jogos que tínhamos, sempre esperei por um jogo novo dos Avengers. Quando descobri sobre esse jogo fiquei muito animado e com muita vontade de joga-lo. Quando finalmente tive a oportunidade, me decepcionei muito, pois esperava muito mais. O jogo tem sim seus pontos fortes, porém a maioria deixa e desejar. Zerei o jogo e fiquei com um sentimento de dúvida, não sabia direito oque o jogo queria entregar e simplesmente decidi não jogar mais, até porque não via motivo. Então um tempo depois começaram a lançar DLCS para o jogo, como uma forma de tentar salva-lo, e sinceramente nunca fui atrás de joga-las então não posso dar minha opinião, porém pelo oque ouvi falar não adiantou muito. Talvez um dia eu volte para fazer as DLCS. Mas por enquanto acho que o jogo é bem mais ou menos.

So much potential thrown out the window thanks to it being live service, gameplay eventually got repetitive and boring.

Oh god, it really was that terrible.

I got a free Fortnite pickaxe from it

Uma história super interessante com 80% da gameplay sendo INSUPORTAVEL. Com exceção da Kamala Khan e da Viuva Negra, os personagens são horriveis de jogar. Mas ainda consegui gostar muito do jogo e acho que vale a pena pela narrativa.

Me empecé este juego por el asco que me estaba dando el destrozo de Disney + a Ms. Marvel, y aunque el juego sea mediocre y no tolere el cómo lo ha planteado Square, la campaña es genial y Kamala está extremadamente bien escrita. Lo he disfrutado y todo

I was really excited about this one, I just wanted to play the story, it was kind of hard to get excited when the looter shooter aspect came in. Who knows maybe ill try it again one day