Reviews from

in the past

tony stark didn't die for this to happen..

O melhor: O alto nível de produção, e a Kate Bishop
O pior: Vários aspectos do jogo são prejudicados pela próprio estilo de design aplicado nele
Paciência: Apesar de lamentar o jogo não ser mais vendido, valeu a pena esperar e pegar o pacote completo por menos do que um Big Mac

Marvel's Avengers foi retirado das lojas online no dia 30 de Setembro de 2023, apesar de ainda ser possível adquirir o jogo via mídia física. Antes disso estava recebendo descontos gigantescos e teve todo o seu conteúdo disponibilizado (removendo as microtransações). Eu comprei o jogo nessa situação, então invariavelmente isso influência na minha analise sobre ele, visto que seu tivesse comprado por preço cheio no lançamento eu com certeza teria uma visão bem mais negativa do trabalho da Crystal Dynamics.

Então, analisando um jogo que foi muito barato, com várias campanhas e personagens disponíveis, e depois de muitos patchs de correção, devo dizer que gostei um bocado de Marvel's Avengers. Graficamente é um jogo bem bonito, talvez mais no aspecto técnico do que no artístico, já que vi muitas pessoas genuinamente incomodadas com a aparencia dos heróis (depois de anos de MCU) mas foi algo que acostumei bem rápido, sendo que a dublagem de alto nível também ajuda nisso. A história da campanha principal, mesmo não sendo nada de outro mundo, é divertida e aproveita bem a Ms Marvel como protagonista. As demais campanhas até vão para caminhos interessantes, mas a insistência de ter a AIM (e Modok) no maior antagonismo traz um dos grandes problemas do jogo, que é a repetitividade de inimigos, já que, não importa se você está numa isolada Wakanda ou mesmo num futuro distópico, os inimigos são sempre robôs da AIM e mercenários contratados pela AIM. É um desperdício de uso da franquia que beira o inacreditável, até porque a própria história do jogo dá indícios de outras possíveis ameaças, mas infelizmente poucas das ideias foram concretizadas.

Cada um dos 12 personagens disponíveis tem um conjunto de habilidades semelhantes: combate melee focado em combos, esquiva, parry e algum tipo de ataque a distância. Apesar disso, talvez pela sua estrutura de "loot & level", há diferenças significativa no controle de cada personagem. O Hulk, por exemplo, é muito prejudicado pelo design do jogo, e se torna bem desinteressante de se jogar. Em contra partida personagens como o Gavião Arqueiro e Viúva Negra são bem mais divertidos e versáteis. No meu caso, minha personagem favorita, com larga vantagem, é a Kate Bishop, talvez o mais próximo que teremos de controlar alguém como o Noturno até o X-Men da Insomniac daqui uns anos. Muito por causada dela eu completei boa parte do conteúdo do jogo, e é bem perceptível como os personagens lançados por DLC são bem mais interessantes do que o cast inicial.

Obviamente não é a toa que Marvel's Avengers é um jogo tão criticado. Mesmo no estado atual dá pra perceber vários defeitos que vem do seu conceito de ser um jogo GAAS. Repetitividade, loot que demora até ficar interessante, personagens que precisam de várias skills liberadas para serem legais de se jogar, bugs que ainda ocorrem aqui e ali... Mesmo assim eu aproveitei bastante o tempo com ele, dá pra perceber que houve muito esforço para que o projeto desse certo (o que, olhando em retrospecto, sempre beirou o impossível, ao menos nesse nível de produção), há detalhes e diálogos que sequer vão ser vistos por boa parte das pessoas que jogarem (outro aspecto comum desse tipo de jogo), e dá pra ver que lições foram aprendidas nos conteúdos feitos após o lançamento (infelizmente, tarde demais). No fim das contas, Marvel's Avengers sempre vai ser um exemplo negativo de como utilizar uma franquia tão gigante, mesmo para quem gostou, o que foi o meu caso.

E talvez em 2026 eu esteja fazendo uma analise semelhante sobre o Suicide Squad da Rocksteady...

sinceramente deveriam demitir quem fez a historia e a gameplay desse jogo, o gráfico é uma desgraça, a gameplay de TODOS os personagens é igual, a história é uma carniça absurda, quem fez ela não sabe nada sobre a marvel, o jogo fica repetitivo em pouco tempo, os diálogos são péssimos, eu sinceramente queria esquecer que joguei esse jogo

I was criticized by my gaming peers for saying how much this game was going to be bad simply from the trailers. It always showed minimal gameplay and it really marketed itself as "Hey guys, remember the MCU? That's awesome right?"

The Live Service stuff didn't work, the technical issues were never fixed, the paywalls were insane, the combat was boring, and the suits were SO BAD. What they did to Spider-Man in this game was DIRTY.

absolutely unrealistic even for comic book standards: USA just let a muslim girl enter the VIP stage of the highest tower in NYC

The poster child for AAA game design ruined by dumb choices for maximum profit. The potential is there but its mostly a what could be, whats left here is a boring game that tries its hardest to make it the more difficult to enjoy, full of menus, currencies, items, or missions that you dont know what to do with.
By 2023 with all patches and all content for a cheap price, is more a question of, is it worth the time for the few good stuff? (mostly good presentation, Marvel fan service) only if you are a super fan and cant get enough Marvel or maybe you already own the game and want to give it a chance, the latter is my case and even focusing on the campaign missions, while I enjoyed some of it, having so many more options I just kept wondering if I should drop it.

Até de cérebro desligado foi difícil de se divertir
Tem a essência de um jogo de play 2 medíocre. Se fosse lançado 15 anos atrás era um OK

thought this was a porn game my bad

Que jogo horroroso, meia estrela de dó por isso aqui pprt

Убогая дрочильня по мотивам знаменитой команды Мстителей.

Полная рецензия: Помню как в январе 2017 вдруг неожиданно выходит тизер этой игры, как раз на хайпе от анонса Паука PS4 и тогда я очень загорелся этой идеей, все было супер.

Но шли года, а про игру так и не было никаких больше новостей (Элден Ринг привет), но вот конец 2020 и этот проект наконец на нашем игровом столе. И не сказать что я особо разочарован, потому что первые более информативные материалы об этой игре сразу дали понять чем она будет и я перестал ждать этот проект, но пройти мимо - не мог. Что же я могу сказать?

Игра пришла к нам прямиком из нулевых годов, правда с улучшенным графоном (но не дотягивающим до показателей нашего времени) и приличным кол-вом скриптов. Все что связано с прологом игры - прекрасно, отличная динамичная, постановочная завязка, но как только игра переходит к своему кор-геймплею - начинается сон. Бесконечное закликивание разного рода мобов от арены к арене с помощью разных персонажей, геймплей за которых отличается иногда лишь косметически, но не технически.

Сюжет здесь как вы понимаете - для галочки, очень клишированный и не очень захватывающий, ведь это игра-сервис, заточенная под мультиплеер, а это уже не по мне, поэтому дроп был неизбежен. Фанатам возможно будет интересно погонять за их любимых героев парочку вечеров, но для всех остальных эта игра пережиток прошлого.

One enemy type. That's it. Robots, So many damb robots....

This trash is the perfect example of what NOT to do when creating a game;

- Make it a "Live Service"
- Make loot take ages to grind for
- Force the player to replay the same missions
- Repetitive combat
- False advertising
- somehow make interesting characters UN-interesting

Not as terrible as I thought but still not a great game. The skills were cool and I feel like it had good bones but got ruined by many other added systems. If the amount of care went into this that Guardians of the Galaxy got it would’ve been a lot better.

If you love micro-transactions, this game is for you.

Is it great? No. Is there fun to be had? Well, I played over 200 hours of single player, so yes.

With Marvel's Avengers being removed from digital storefronts at the end of September, I figured the game was worth revisiting beforehand just to see the full game on its own merits in lieu of every version now being re-branded 'The Definitive Edition'. Having done so, unfortunately, it's easy to see why and how things have gone this way for Crystal Dynamics. I truly believe there's a solid game hidden here, but the amount of dull loot constantly filling your inventory and the inane gameplay design make the good parts incredibly hard to find.

The base story campaign, 'Reassembled’, is a decent, if familiar, Marvel caper with Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, at the helm as she brings Earth's mightiest heroes back together after a major catastrophe effectively disbands the Avengers for good. Kamala makes for a charming lead, albeit excessively irritating at times in that adolescent kind of way. The dialogue is more miss than hit, especially in terms of comedy, but there are some good narrative beats and moments to be found here and there.

The biggest highlight for me when it comes to narrative has to be the individual character interactions when wandering the Chimera. There is some nice, unique dialogue between the various heroes that's honestly worth watching YouTube videos of on their own to get a sense of the care that was put into paying respect to them that was otherwise scarcely found throughout the rest of the game.

The same, although perhaps slightly less so, goes for the three DLC campaigns, which include the expansive 'War for Wakanda', which is a lot more pretty to look at and run around in than it is to play, thanks to some bizarre difficulty spikes. With how much work was put into this campaign in particular, it's a shame I had trouble with some missions due to the difficulty, as there is a solid standalone story here, if not a little derivative of the MCU Black Panther movies.

But yes, all of that aside, gameplay-wise, Crystal Dynamic's Avengers is indeed a mess, and it's no wonder things have been that way for them since releasing it. It's a multiplayer live-service game that really could have been simplified and made single-player (perhaps with optional multiplayer as well).

If you go into the 'play now' option from the main menu, which one would assume is the start of the main story, you're dropped into the post-game with every character unlocked and countless missions and notifications available for you. It's no wonder people get overwhelmed and tap out. Unless you really treat it like a single-player beat-em-up, it becomes more of a chore than the satisfying hero brawler it should be.

Take away the 'gear' and 'hero power level' and keep the skill tree (at least the main one), and you've already solved most of the problem. There's too much shit to keep track of at any given time, and not much of the content outside of the main story campaigns is worth investing all that time into, as it gets incredibly repetitive and regurgitative very quickly.

Marvel's Avengers isn't just an example of how not to do a live-service game, it's the answer to why you shouldn't. There's some solid content here, but there's so much unnecessary, exhaustive crap in order to get to it that it's probably not even worth it in the first place.

Oh, Marvel's Avengers, you really could have been fun.


I played this when I had Covid in Summer 2022 and it was free on PS+, and while it was totally below the standard of what an Avenger's game should be, this was OK. Like, I had fun with it for the 5 days I played through the campaign. It was super repetitive, a little bit button mashy, and frankly, a bit pointless, but it kept me going through isolation. Sad it's dead now, but at least I have those memories

With this leaving PS Extra later this month I finally had to give this game a try. When this game originally came out I remember everyone being really negative about it. With a few people saying that the campaign was actually good. So coming into this I knew I was only going to play the campaign, and you know what I actually liked it quite a bit. Some very cool set pieces and action sequences. Some of the characters stand above the rest for me. I really enjoyed Kamala, Iron Man, Thor, and Cap. Didn't care for Black Widow, and really didn't like Hulk. I'm not even going to try the co-op stuff, because everywhere I look makes me think its not worth it. If only they had made this a completely story related game, and maybe kept making story-oriented expansions this game could have succeeded. Oh well.

I thought I'd give this a go since it's being delisted. I booted up the game, and was instantly met with a cinematic that looks like it summarizes the whole campaign's story, the whole reason I wanted to try playing. That was annoying, but I'll still give it a try. I'm then gathered around the mission selection table and suddenly they start talking about events that I haven't experienced, potentially spoiling the campaign again. Then, I am told to walk across the game's hub, and do some combat training. I do the training, the combat is... Fine.

After that, a tutorial cinematic plays telling me how to kit out my character. Sure, okay, whatever. It ends with "Fury out." THEN TWO MORE TUTORIALS PLAY RIGHT AFTER. Then, it spits me back into the hub area.
Cool, finally, I can start the campaign. But then it makes me go back to the mission selection table and finally choose a mission. And despite there being a tutorial for how to hop into missions, I still can't figure out how to start with the first mission. Sure, I could look it up. But it's a lot funnier to just refund the game. So I'm gonna get my $4 back. Don't buy this game.

Starts off promising, but then devolves into the usual live service repetition. The few cinematic levels are good fun, but most of the game is just you going to recycled labs and enemy bases and punching robots. Some of the heroes are fun to use, but the game was designed to be a grind to encourage more spending, and it shows.

One of the biggest ‘fumbling the bag’ moments in video game history

Fortnite made me play this bullshit

I imagine this was unplayable when everything was locked behind micro-transactions, because I got a lot of enjoyment out of trying out the many different costume variations (especially Iron Man's). Some of the combat is very fun, my favourite movesets being Cap's shield-based combos and Iron Man's smooth transitions between ground and air fighting. But the level design is atrocious and the game is straight up unfinished, but with one act of a plot stretched out across a multitude of forgettable repetitive missions that are only made worse by the grindy side missions that lead nowhere. There might have been a good game in here somewhere, but it's buried under bullshit.

It can be fun to hulk smash. That’s not quite enough to keep bringing you back though.

A friend of mine gifted this game to me as a meme thinking that I would reject it, so I doubled down on the meme accepting it and then completing it (the first campaign, not the consoomer mode).

This is basically peak modern gaming. It's just an incoherent bunch of movie scenes with repulsive and embarrassing dialogue, stitched together with some of the most boring gameplay that I EVER played in my life. Add some railed platforming that consist on pressing W like braindead, and on top of the cake, some of the worst and most souless boss fights in the history of videogaming, and there you have it, modern gaming at its best

Oh god, it really was that terrible.

Com certeza, esse é um jogo que que passou uma impressão incrível, mas não entregou oque esperávamos. Com os jogos que tínhamos, sempre esperei por um jogo novo dos Avengers. Quando descobri sobre esse jogo fiquei muito animado e com muita vontade de joga-lo. Quando finalmente tive a oportunidade, me decepcionei muito, pois esperava muito mais. O jogo tem sim seus pontos fortes, porém a maioria deixa e desejar. Zerei o jogo e fiquei com um sentimento de dúvida, não sabia direito oque o jogo queria entregar e simplesmente decidi não jogar mais, até porque não via motivo. Então um tempo depois começaram a lançar DLCS para o jogo, como uma forma de tentar salva-lo, e sinceramente nunca fui atrás de joga-las então não posso dar minha opinião, porém pelo oque ouvi falar não adiantou muito. Talvez um dia eu volte para fazer as DLCS. Mas por enquanto acho que o jogo é bem mais ou menos.

Never cared about the live service part, the singleplayer campaign was fine enough though. Got halfway through and stopped playing... maybe I'll get back to it one day.

honestamente o preço que paguei eu me diverti bastante na campanha eu acredito q o jogo teria sido mto melhor se eles focassem totalmente na campanha esquecendo esse fator jogar infinito o game a dublagem e os personagens esta mto bom a gameplay e esses aspectos poderia melhorar e tira as micro transações ai pfv

Probably the most disappointed i have been with a game I was hyped for. Each level is the exact same. If the whole game played out like the prologue it would of been way better. Pretty good cosmetics and some of the story missions were quite fun. The lack of diversity in level design and repetitive combat really lets this game down