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This is a game I saw recommended on Twitter ages ago, but it was a bit too pricey at the time for me to take the plunge. Fast forward to a few weeks back during the Black Friday sale on the eShop, and it was down to the low low price of $2, which was more than good enough for me~. It took me like two hours to beat the English version on my Switch on a very sleepy morning where I accidentally woke up 3 hours early and couldn't fall back asleep XP.

Mechstermination Force takes place in a world very much like our own, but in the near future where giant MegaMechs have appeared from nowhere and taken over! You play a soldier in humanity's last pocket of resistance, trying to take back control one mech at a time! It's a very light story that is very, very silly. There isn't much story beyond that initial premise and the conversations you can have with other soldiers at base, and they have all sorts of silly quips and one-liners to toss around at you. It gave me a very Magicka-like vibe (to the point where it feels like it was made by the same people, and it actually does share some senior staff, I later discovered!), so if you liked that, then you'll probably like it here too.

The gameplay is a series of boss fights in Contra-stlye run and gun action. The game has over a dozen bosses to fight, and you slowly get more powers to fight further on bosses with as the game progresses (climbing walls and a double jump), and you can also buy more max health and new weapons at the shop between missions. You get a big cash bonus for the first time you beat a boss, and you can replay old missions for bits of extra cash if you wanna grind some money to get a bit more max health or one more new weapon to try and overcome a more difficult challenge. You can switch between those weapons at any time mid-fight, so they come in VERY handy, and the ability to grind to get past difficult stuff is very appreciated. The game controls great and it's clear these folks really know their Contra, since these are some damn good Contra-like bosses.

The presentation is very clean and quite pretty. The graphics have a crisp but very colorful look to them, very much like Magicka did (and given the two games share an art director, that isn't surprising), and the mech designs are great as well. The music is nothing super duper special, but like the story, it does the job of setting up the action and atmosphere just as much as it needs to, and doesn't overstay its welcome.

Verdict: Recommended. This is a really solid game that's very well put together. The only real sticking point in recommending it is that, unless you're really into replaying bosses to get damage-less runs or better times (both of which the game does keep track of), you're likely going to have trouble getting value for money out of it if you don't get it on sale. Regardless, it's still a really well put together game, and I absolutely feel I got my money's worth.

phenomenal boss rush contra, some janky collision but a great time

The visuals aren't particularly artful. And the double jump controls have far too much irreversible momentum. But 'Mechstermination Force' knows what kind of game it is. And it has the very good sense to never slow you down with story and dialogue. You start the game, some superior shouts a line at you, and you are immediately fighting the first boss. First of fourteen you fight before the end credits roll. The bosses are big enough to sometimes become platforming levels in and of themselves. The action is constant and fun.

This is a 'Contra'-like and so most every weapon you remember from that series is here: machine gun, spread, laser, bomb, and hey why not, the wave beam from 'Metroid.' And to make matters easier than 'Contra,' all weapons are always available so you need not collect (and will never lose) a weapon once you purchase it in the shop. The ability to purchase such upgrades (including a seemingly unlimited supply of HP extender hearts) makes the game easier as you go. I suspect the final few bosses are the toughest in the game, but by the time you reach them, you'll be powered up enough that you shouldn't have too much trouble with them. Adding a second (local only) player to your game brings all the same advantages and disadvantages it does in 'Contra,' but very glad to have the option.

Three stars only when compared against the best of the 'Contra' series. But I managed to pick this game up for Switch for $6 and it was well worth that small price tag. Recommended!

This game is like Cuphead if it was ass lol. It was fun at the VERY beginning but as it went on, it got worse and the problems with the game started to show. The gameplay loop is not fun and that final boss was the icing on the ass cake!

Pretty fun. Not THAT hard. Although with two people it's nearly a visual mess at times and keeping track of your character becomes difficult which makes it all harder than it needs to be.