Reviews from

in the past

The controls kinda suck and it's held back by the Gameboy but it's fun for what it is.

Capcom is no stranger when it comes to creating handheld experiences of Mega Man games. They've done five games on the original Game Boy so it's kind of a no-brainer that Mega Man X would get the same treatment as well, and what we got was Mega Man Xtreme. It was probably ambitious in 2000, taking the formula of the X series on the go, but in a 2023 lens, it's more a watered-down version of X1 and X2. It plays identically to those two with the only difference being the dash placement options; you either double-tap on the d-pad or use the start button. I'm not a fan of either of these controls, but I went with the 2nd option, and wow this felt cumbersome; I had to readjust my fingers to dash comfortably, but at that point, I rather not have the dash at all. They also do this thing where they split the campaign into two difficulties where you fight the first four Mavericks on Normal and then the second half on Hard. There's also Extreme Mode that has your typical Mega Man X stage select screen with all the eight Mavericks featured from the first two games available at the start, but at that point, I just didn't see a reason to replay it again when I've seen everything the game had to offer.

Mega Man Xtreme is an interesting little game. It's cool seeing these selected stages from X1 and X2 being remade on a tiny handheld shot-by-shot, and while it's inoffensive, it offers little reason to play this in 2023 when the SNES games are readily available on modern systems.

It was an ambitious game, but really held back by the system it was on

Um pouquinho de X, um pouquinho de X2. Mas pior.

É uma adaptação para portátil que não se adaptou muito bem. Há problemas básicos, como a tela pequena ou a música ter ficado completamente zoada. Mas há outros problemas que não são apenas por causa da plataforma mais modesta que é o GBC. Os controles não parecem "certos", com inputs às vezes não computando e o pulo não muito consistente - e os controles precisos são algo essencial pra qualquer Mega Man.

O mais problemático de tudo é o ritmo. O jogo te obriga a zerá-lo três vezes caso queira ter uma experiência completa: uma no modo normal, com apenas 4 chefes, uma no modo hard, com outros 4 chefes, e enfim no modo xtreme, com os 8 chefes numa só campanha. Custava deixar o modo xtreme destravado desde o início?

Chega a ser surpreendente como a mesma Capcom que traduziu os Mega Man clássicos tão bem para GB conseguiu fazer algo tão falho ao trazer MMX pro GBC.

The controls aren't really fun.