Reviews from

in the past

Fun game, last boss is insane, Spider-Arm lady was most memorable moment.

Não há nada que dizer, apenas apreciar esta obra divina ❤️

What is not to say about this game? The memes are what brought this game back to light. The story is simply incredible while also being very funny. Honest 10/10.

Great story, great characters, kick ass soundtrack and game play, and the right amount of cheese. I love when a game does not take it super seriously, and this one takes the cake. Not perfect, equipment like grenades and the such is very situational, stealth game play is poo poo and seemingly goes against the core of the game, and the game does a poor job in explaining things to you. But aside from that, this was such a great ride. Perfect length too!

Thanks memes.

mister raiden my beloved, great silly music, funky protag, i love you mister raiden

This is to action games what Heisenberg's blue meth is like to the meth market. A clumsy analogy, perhaps, but an apt one.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is the action game. It's nothing but epic fight after epic fight. Katans clang whilst badass metal rips. Giant robots, damning critique of neoliberalism, iconic characters and dialogue. It's all here. I know it's an old meme at this point, but Revengenace makes you feel like the biggest badass in the world. Raiden is a great protagonist and controlling him in combat feels like a privilege - that is when the camera is not shitting the bed. Seriously, if there's one glaring issue with the game, it's the camera. You're never looking where you want to be during a fight, but oh well.

I usually don't much care for cutscenes, but man oh man does this game have the COOLEST fucking cutscenes. Raiden squaring off with Sam, Raiden slicing the giant robot, Raiden slicing the other giant robot, Raiden slicing the OTHER giant robot... it's all so epic. I felt giddy throughout.

I hope one day people will look back on this game and see it for more than just its meme potential and banging soundtrack. I hope they will see that a game can insane over-the-top action, absurd dialogue, AND a thoughtful story, and I hope those people will be able to translate this meaningful combination of properties to other mediums like film and television as well. It seems to me that MGR:R was the zenith and the end of the awesome action media that raged through the 00's. Might just be me though. After all, memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I've even forgotten my name...

NOTE: I haven't done anything outside of the main campaign yet, so I'll have to come back for the side stuff later.

Não sei se é apenas a nostalgia falando mais alto, mas revisitar este jogo me fez perceber que certos aspectos pareciam melhores quando eu era mais jovem. No entanto, é inegável que o jogo continua excelente. O combate é cativante, a trilha sonora é alucinante e o desenvolvimento do personagem é palpável. Sem mencionar as batalhas contra chefes, que são distintas e surpreendentes.

not really into hack & slash i just realized so couldn't finish it, the cutting mechanic is fun as fuck tho if ur into hack & slash def play this.

Banda sonora GOD. Un juego que le encanta a niños edgy de hace años y adultos por igual.

raiden tem medo de mulher igual nois

Peak sound track just couldn’t find anything to put under this

Around some 3 years ago my cousin showed me this game saying how unbelivebely cool it is, how great the songs are and how serious and funny at t he same time this game is. Aesthetic of this world, agression and "speeches about what good war gave us" pushed me away. It was too much for me. All I knew about "metal gear" was just the title and the fact that these are groundbreaking games.
Now, years later, after experiencing all of them (excluding mgs4, fuck you Konami) I was finally ready. I knew the political background, understood the technological side of the world, and most important - knew who the hell is white hair ninja. His inrecidble character development, from pretty boy slipping on bird poop to most beloved in the whole ass franchise. His own redemption arc. And my redemption by truly sinking into this world.
World that catches really well what Kojima left the world on with MGS4. It have everything metal gear game needs and truly showcases its very own soul. And yes, controls at PC sucks, they're horrible. But how pleasure this game was is beyond my imagination. At the beginning I wasn't even able to cut enemie's left hand but with some time, how slowly game throws the enemies at you allowing to learn on your own is exceptional. You need to learn a lot, mostly through very challenging bosses, but after defeating one, the next gonna be much more easier. For me this experience was parrying, which I completlely skipped while fighting Wolf, and as it returned to me with magnetic field that broke my fucking nose, kicked my ass and spilled at my face. After I overcome this mechanic Sam was only the theatrical fight of 2 swordsman. Because if one thing is really well done - it's swords fights. If talking about fights and bosses (each very unique and well crafted) we need to say about songs. OH MY GOD how this game creates the vibe by using rock while fighting with these guys... It's pure art. It's incredible how whacky, serious and epic this game is able to be at the same time.
Raiden got good pay-off. It was good metal gear. Thank you.

i have no idea what the fuck i just played but there was raiden on a motorcycle and older sunny so my autistic ass is happy

adoro fatiar soldados robos

Metal Gear Rising é perfeito, eu não tenho do que reclamar nesse jogo, boss fights ou inimigos comuns, trilha sonora, gameplay e historia são perfeitos. Cada coisinha te prende o suficiente pra você querer jogar mais e mais o jogo, e mano que ost, lutar com o armstrong ao som de It Has To Be This Way é insano, sem contar a ost de outros bosses, sendo todas elas perfeitas, a gameplay está no mesmo nível é perfeita, dar parry, bater com a katana e usar o blade mode é lindo.
Esse jogo é o masterpiece que todos deveriam jogar


best action a video game could offer

I see the hype. The combat is really good and the story is bombastic enough that it distracts from some of its shortcomings. There is stuff here to think over, but not for a huge amount of time. I will say the boss roster is really sick, even if some aren't as memorable as others. Revengeance is, I feel, carried mostly by its own inertia, which is fine. I had fun.

ооооооооооооооооо нравится, особенно файс с боссиком вот этим который разлагается и с сэмом файт

Goofy game but I love it

This is how video games should be like. What a rush.

Memories broken
The truth goes unspoken
I’ve even forgotten my name
I don’t know the season
Or what is the reason
I'm standing here holding my blade
A desolate place (place)
Without any trace (trace)
It’s only the cold wind I feel
It’s me that I spite
As I stand up and fight
The only thing I know for real
There will be blood-shed
The man in the mirror nods his head
The only one left
Will ride upon the dragon’s back
Because the mountains don’t give back what they take
Oh, no, there will be blood-shed
It’s the only thing I’ve ever known
Losing my identity
Wondering: Have I gone insane?
To find the truth in front of me
I must climb this mountain range
Looking downward from this deadly height
And never realizing why I fight

Memories broken
The truth goes unspoken
I’ve even forgotten my name

I don’t know the season
Or what is the reason
I'm standing here holding my blade

A desolate place (place)
Without any trace (trace)
It’s only the cold wind I feel

It’s me that I spite
As I stand up and fight
The only thing I know for real

There will be blood-shed
The man in the mirror nods his head
The only one left
Will ride upon the dragon’s back

a deadly dose of adrenaline injected directly into my brain stem

amazingly super fun game, and the best senator to ever exist