Reviews from

in the past

Cola stole my bike
Cola stole my bike
Cola stole my bike
Cola stole
Cola stole
stole my bike
Cola stole my bike

I am currently playing this game via fan translation and oh my god is this game worth your time if you're into RPG's.

The game's sense of humor is fucking amazing. From the jump, the game sets up that you're a mysterious dude with amnesia but the game makes you be kind of an asshole no matter what dialogue option you pick and it works really well establishing your character. I don't laugh at games even with humor I can gel with but I was actually dying reading the dialogue and the dialogue choices your character has.

Early game combat is typical turned-based affair but it is really quick and snappy as I can easily see there will be like 10+ characters on screen in a battle. I don't have to get that far to know the pacing was baked into the combat well.

This game has kept a smile on my face throughout my play time so far. I usually try a game out once to say that I played it and move on, but I'm going to stick around for Metal Max 3 because I want to see if you can really fuck that dude's mom.