Reviews from

in the past

Amazing game mechanics with an interesting story.

no me gusto tanto como el otro, pero me dejo el culo torcido, no se si vi magia, ciencia ficcion o que, pero hermosa experiencia.

One of the best stories ever concocted in a video game

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Pavel I will get you. I will hunt you down. I will make you regret opening your mouth and saying cyka blyat for the 18575th time. Pavel. When I get you.
-1 star bc Pavel exists.

Encore mieux que Metro 2033 ! Je garde le même avis que son prédécesseur. Toujours aussi incroyable. J'ai malheureusement eu la mauvaise fin. Ca m'apprendra de tuer tout le monde dans le jeu...

An amzing sequal to one of my favorite games of all time. I'll have to replay both of them and comfirm which of the two is better. Last Light is a lot more action packed than 2033, but I feel the first one had a better, more intelligent story, or maybe I'm just fucking stupid. Anyway, if you like to play videogames, play this game and all the Metro games. Peak series.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

Continuation of Metro 2033 with a few extra improvements.

Muita enrolação mas é legal

A ambientação ainda é o ponto mais alto, ainda senti o clima e a sensação do primeiro livro (único que li da franquia) e não consigo imaginar outra forma de jogar esse jogo além do modo patrulheiro, mas achei que o enredo tem alguns deslizes, soluções genéricas pra resolver situações com o Artyom, além de os dark ones ficaram viajados demais e comparação ao primeiro.

Got bored halfway through to be honest, may pick up at a later date

The story is even better than the first game, but heavily requires for you to play stealthly (especially if you want to get the good ending).

Not much to say, STALKER mixed with Call of Duty lol.

It's fine. A very competent shooter, but ultimately just a succession of short scenes for you to navigate. It's commendable that the game tries to offer both stealth and gunplay, but the mechanics aren't developed enough to have much thematic weight. Spectacular production values though, except for the odd janky NPC face.

La sección de la cueva me hizo dropearlo de niño

A rich, well-developed world and atmosphere that alone is worth the price of admission with challenging combat that far too often veers into frustration. Unlike most shooters where ammo is around every corner, in the world of Metro ammo is a precious resource to the point where higher-quality rounds are a literal currency. While it’s an interesting system, the scarcity is so extreme that it’s possible to soft-lock yourself from completing certain combat encounters, forcing you to reload an earlier save. In my play through I ran out of ammo fighting a boss and since there were no other means of damaging it, I had to load an earlier save and turn down the difficulty just so I could collect enough ammo to defeat the boss.

more of the same as the first game, solid asf

Un classique, légendaire, l'excellence.
en d'autre termes juste un de mes jeux FPS préféré et dieux sait que je suis pas fan du genre, mais ce jeu, je suis plus que fan.

Tinha finalizado metro no console e esse jogo é divino, porém a versão deste aqui no meu pc ao menos, fica dropando frame sem parar, o que não faz sentido por conta que finalizei o Exodus na minha máquina que é muito mais pesado que esse e atual e rodou finissimo demais, esse port aqui ta podre e precisa de um remaster pra versão de pc

Superb follow up to the original; loses a little of the spiritual overtones, but gets knee deep in the political muck.

Metro: Last Light was the first and only game I've played in this franchise so far. I enjoyed playing it back in 2014 (it doesn't feel like it was so long ago when I think about it, but 9 years have passed since then). I remember when Artyom became cold-hearted and that Pavel guy got what he deserved.

I get to role play as a Russian. That alone earns 3 starts. For some reason the woman coaching me calls me rabbit. I like rabbit, tastes best in stew.

queria esquecer de tudo e jogar de novo
que sensação única, que ambientação FODA

Muy buena experiencia videojueguil. Es un shooter clásico con una buena historia que como secuela termina siendo muy efectiva, ya que trae inquietudes de la trama anterior en un contexto de bandos que luchan por el poder. Como en el anterior, los personajes tienen mucha personalidad.

De los "Metro" se suele decir siempre lo mismo: que tiene una muy buena ambientación. Y la verdad es cierto. Ahora entiendo por qué lo dicen. El mundo se siente vivo o muerto (en el buen sentido) sea donde sea que vayas. Por ahí estás en el exterior que está todo en la miseria y aún así no se siente monótono. Imagino que deben repetir modelos 3D por el escenario para ahorrar trabajo pero no se notó en ningún momento. Nunca tuve esa típica sensación de caminar por un mundo artificial. No es un juego de mundo abierto y es totalmente lineal, pero que el ambiente esté tan bien cuidado y el hecho de que de vez en cuando terminás en una estación para descansar y comprar suministros le da un aire muy fresco. Y hablando de las estaciones: son algo muy especial tanto en el Metro: 2033 como en el Metro: Last Light . Está lleno de npc's con los que en su mayoría no podés interactuar pero que siempre están haciendo o diciendo algo interesante. Te sentís rodeado de un mundo que respira por su cuenta. ¿Vos entendés que me quedé viendo un show de talentos que no era obligatorio ver pero que vi porque fue genuinamente interesante? Incluso pude sentarme en una butaca y verlo desde esa perspectiva. Podría seguir hablando durante horas de este tema.

En cuanto al gameplay me pareció algo muy preciso cuidado. Algo que no me había gustado del Metro: 2033 fue justo este tema. Había muchas cosas que estaban mal echas y se sentía muy tosco. Aparte los enemigos eran masas de recibir daño y apenas reaccionaban. Por otra parte, en esta entrega los enemigos (ya sean mutantes o humanos) reaccionaban dependiendo de dónde les disparaba y no era lo mismo darle en el pie o en la cabeza (que era one-shot). Pude jugar Metro: Last Light como a mí me gusta: tácticamente.

Más comentarios:
- El sonido fue algo espectacular y acompaña al ambiente de forma muy inmersiva (en el anterior no pasaba tan así)
- Mucha variedad de enemigos y lugares. Hasta hay tres jefes que me parecieron entretenidos.
- El director de éste juego es alto picarón.

Just better than the first one in pretty much every aspect

This was one of the worst games I've played in a while. Ever play something so poorly designed in almost every aspect that it just boggles your mind? Well for this, this game did that for me. And as a Sonic fan, that is saying something.

Movement is so janky. Moving through the terrain genuinely feels glitchy at times. It's hard to explain, but slight elevations off the ground can make you feel glitchy. Something as hard to explain as this cant be said through words, only experienced. General traversal is very poorly designed, you cant even jump over 1cm railing for instance. Or walk 2cms into a pool of water and jankily without getting teleported backwards. It's just so poorly handled.

The gunplay is surprisingly solid, but that wont matter much because in most levels, you can simply run past enemies with zero consequences. Thats right, you can ignore most of the enemies. They cant detect you very well at all, so you can waltz past them. And the demon enemies that lack long ranged attacks can be easily ran away from. For the last 1/3 of the game I stopped killing all together as it felt pointless.

Set pieces are very poorly designed, due to the low budget I assume, most feel unpolished animation wise and gameplay wise. With set pieces, you need that high budget and high care to make them feel cool, but here, just due to the budget they feel cheap.

People call this game a survival horror, but I wouldnt know that because this game isnt scary in the least. And ammo and purifiers are so common it dont matter at all. I never felt scared nor did I feel desperate for resources.

The general difficulty of this game is a joke too, I breezed through it on normal difficulty, I only died due to level design being so poor sometimes where I walk into a "death zone" that I didnt know existed, like sticking my foot into a 1cm pool of water or dropping from a 2cm height onto a section your not supposed to be on. Thats where most of my deaths came from.

I have been speaking at length for the gameplay, but honestly a lot of the game is slowly following an NPC through a very boring scripted walk with nothing happening at all, despite my issues with the gameplay it felt like one of the least interactive games I've played in months, a visual novel had more interactivty at times.

Now the story? Bahahaha, this games story was so dumb. Something about aliens or something? I didnt really care. I wasnt invested in the characters, villains or that baby alien thing. The setting is awesome, but I didnt care about anything else.

I've torn into this game, but at least it was a sweet 6 hour experience so it never dragged on. And the locales you explore look nice, and the visuals do even if they are paired with cheap visual effects or animations at times.

I can tell from the reviews a lot of people like this game, so dont mind me if I dont like this game. I'm just some rando, but yeah this game didnt do it for me.