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Short and sweet. Love seeing games like this still being made. For how cheap this game is, you're getting some really high quality indie stuff. It is a little rough around the edges, but I give most of that a pass as it was made by pretty much one person.

I love the N64 style. Not entirely sure why i've always been a fan of it as I'm not nistolgic for this style, but it just looks great to me. These types of things are what make the independent games scene so important for the artform. Without it we wouldn't see anything like this.

The gameplay is simple and fun. Kiwi and the camera can be annoying at times, but his moves are really fun. Jumping and using his beak as a climbing or attacking weapon is great fun. The fan on his back letting you run is also a great time. Platforming could be better, but it's still some good solid fun.

In terms of the levels, they were really good. Design wise and the atmosphere of each level. I will say the gameplay loop was repetative, and I wish the dev had different mechanics in each level, but I understand how hard that can be for only one person.

The music in each level and throughout the game in general is what suprised me the most. Music in games should be good, but it's main job should be to set the tone and atmosphere the designer wants. Kiwi's OST does just that, and I thought it was really great.

As I mentioned earlier, it is a little rough around the edges. The game has some areas that should've been patched. There is stuff like see-through walls and floors, the edge of the map not being filled in so you can just walk off and get reset to the start, etc. I will again give this stuff a pass, as though it does break imersian, it is minor stuff for a game from only one guy and being $2.99.

If you want a really really really short but really fun experience that is also cheap as hell and made with passion, this is a go to game to recomend. Some really good stuff in here, and I enjoyed my time with this.

Score: 3.3/5
Letter Grade: B

Ok I've beaten the 2 games in like 30 minutes. And after playing them back to back, this is just the first one but improved on every level. Better levels, level mechanics, gameplay mechanics, a better story, and unusally high quality of music for a 10 minute browser game. A lot of fun.

Score: 3.2/5
Letter Grade: B-

I am very pleasantly surprised by this. I didn't even know it existed until like 10 minutes ago, and that's honestly probably how long it takes to beat it. Yes this is a very very very very short browser game, but the gameplay mechanic of drawing to kill the ghosts is a really smart and fun. The game gets more challenging enough that it gets your heart racing a bit. Also love the art-style and the music was good. Maybe the best web browser game ever? Idk, I'll have to play the sequel to see.

Score: 3.1/5
Letter Grade: B-