Reviews from

in the past

This was a game you gave kids and hoped they wouldn't notice how bad it was

I remember being so hyped for this game before it came out. And then me n my lil bro got it at Best Buy like the first week it was out and it sucked so much. I’d play it again tho to see what it’s like

"Okay, we got a nice collection of 8 mini games, all decently substantial and with the fun presentation of all talking place on this one neighborhood street where each is hosted by a different kid. Now what should we do for a story mode?"

"You have 18 days. You must display maximum efficiency if you have any hope of completing story mode. If you don't finish every single task by the end date you will be sent back to the first day and do it all over again. Summer is fleeting, childhood ends as soon as it begins, but regret lasts a lifetime."

"I like it!"