Reviews from

in the past

sleepless nights for my beloved 707

With love, people can mature and heal even their worst wounds, I didn't expect to have such a sincere and beautiful experience as I had here.

This game is a great dedication to the female gaming community, which has grown more thanks to games like this. Leave your prejudgments aside and try some of it.

debere volver a poner 25 alarmas? asies, todo sea por jugar todas las rutas, si jugaste esto necesitas terapia o tenes 15 años y seguramente necesites terapia igual
La ruta de jumin es literalmente daddy issues, yo la juego siempre

i talk to these guys more than i talk to my family

joguei a primeira parte pq nao tenho paciencia pra farmar ampulheta não, mas já consigo dizer que é ótimo

this game is a huge mess but gosh it's so charming. the story is insane but it will forever be in my heart. ofc not the best game ever and a lot of my love for it is held up by nostalgia LOL but anyways this game is lovely everyone is so charming in their own ways, and all of the chats are so cute and all characters are full of personality it's so good. gosh. the chats are well done, they all have their own unique way of talking plus the fact they all make typos and have really realistic emotions just makes you feel a connection with at least one of the characters. there's something for everyone here lol... oh jumin han (longingly)

i played this in 6th grade and it ruined my sleep schedule but i don't regret it. this game definitely has its flaws but the characters are genuinely lovable and have depth to them. i was poor and hated the hourglass system so i'm pretty sure i downloaded a modded apk at some point so i could do 707 and jumin's routes (lmfao). also jaehee should be properly romanceable and it's a shame she isn't

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Sla mn só joguei a rota do seven e do jumin o jogo é mt funni como assim a garota rica q fazia festa tem um culto

can't beat the immersion of this game, it really is unparalleled. i miss the 3AM calls :(

not all routes are perfect, but my favorite ones would be 707s and Jaehee's. it's the first otome I ever played, and it was what got me into other otome eventually. it's the only one that i've played that has a girl's route, too!

No te puedes ligar a la secretaria, pues pa que entonces la ponen como ruta pero solo de "amistad"? El resto de chavales me parecian unos muermos, era gracioso el hacker este del que babean muchas pero na mas, un juego de móvil con una intriga forzosa.

este juego me arruinó el horario de sueño y mi vida en general, yoosung te amo

3am phonecalls what a life huh

Eu tentei pegar o Zen mas peguei a rota do Yusuke 2 vezes
Eu devia ter pegado guia porque odeio esse viado que joga lol

If I wanted gayboys to text me at 3am I'd reinstall Grindr

idk why I'm forced to be a woman but yoosung was my goat for 2 years then I did saeran's route and good lord... holy shit... I've seen the light... ive seen god.... saeran I love you....saeran.......saeran...............

This game will blow your mind

i wish this game would remove itself from existence

I was obsessed when this released in middle school. Cast is really fun, but the chats being at random times throughout the day and night sucked, because it was either wake up and play at ungodly hours or miss convos (unless you buy the hourglasses to complete them). I did Yoosung, 707, and Zen’s routes completely. Yoosung is my favorite :)

Yoosung storyline
Zen storyline
Christmas Special 2016 DLC
April Fool's 2017 DLC

a flawed game but revolutionary for it's genre. Story can be confusing but overall good. Characters are even better and are arguably the best parts of the game. Zen's the best in terms of bf material idk

wowow this is on this website?? im impressed. also this game had a grip on me so bad that all the flaws dont matter. 10/10 the thrill of this game affected my brain.

i dont think i ever got a good ending in this game

i remembered this game randomly! but i did play it! first otome(i think thts what its called?) game i ever touched and.. I KINDA G O T I T? LIKE it was pretty fun keeping up with and i cant really remember much that pissed me off
this is probably one of the first mobile game i can think of playing that made it click in my head like "wait, mobile games can be fulfilling using real time management Without microtransactions or some penny huffing loser mechanic shit"
which is funny because i scarcely remember much other than the game being cool and thinkin 707 and jaehee were cool
and bein kinda freaked out by some ppl tht wanted jumin carnally online
I saw a really funny ass vid of him getting spanked at mach 4 though
Or maybe it was just an anime man that looked eerily similar in a game ad... hm.. who knows!
If you can even still get your hands on it sure try this, whatve u got to lose, it didnt really change my world but it was neat

this was the first otome I ever played and let me tell you I was fucking obsessed. Id like to play it again because I didnt do all the routes back then and to be honest I love zen so so so much I want to see him again my babygirl……… If you have lots of free time and a really bad sleep schedule its a great game to kill time :)

To this day, Jaehee's route is still the most romantic route I've ever played in an otome game. I was absolutely giggling like an idiot the entire time I was replaying her route.