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it's a necessary design feature for 2b to look like that i swear taro bros please believe me 😭😭

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Als erstes: Man hĂ€tte mir wirklich frĂŒher sagen sollen, dass Fast Travel existiert. Ich habe es in den ersten Chapter gehasst wirklich Side Quests zu machen, weil ich stĂ€ndig von A nach B laufen musste, was irgendwann echt kein Spaß mehr gemacht hat. Umso mehr hat es mich dann aber geĂ€rgert, dass es Fast Travel Points gibt. Naja, was solls. || Story: Hat mich erst tatsĂ€chlich ab dem 2. Playthrough relativ mittig gecatched, weil anfangs Sachen reingeworfen worden, die man wirklich nicht checkt Deswegen war ich auch eher abgetan davon, dass ich es noch 2x spielen muss. Ups. Aber natĂŒrlich hat es mich dann beim 3. Playthrough umso mehr gecatched, obwohl mir tatsĂ€chlich, trotz der ganzen Logs und EintrĂ€ge, entweder noch Sachen gefehlt haben oder es einfach nicht gut genug erklĂ€rt wurde. Aber zusammengefasst (nach Endings A-E): Wenn man sich NUR auf die Main Quests konzentriert, funktioniert die Story ganz gut. || Gameplay: FĂŒr mich actually einer der relativ typischen Hack n' Slay, was anfangs echt richtig spaßig ist, vor allem, wenn man das den plug-in Chip fĂŒrs dodgen ausgerĂŒstet hat, mir aber leider irgendwann zu repetitiv fand, weshalb ich dann die Kontrolle ĂŒber A2 und 9S mehr mochte. || Musik: Echt gut in Szene gesetzt. Jeder Soundtrack der jeweiligen Regionen/Sequenzen/Bossgegner hatte seine Daseinsberechtigung. Ist halt Sqaure typisch I suppose. || Charaktere: Was diese A2 mit dem leicht bekleideten Outfit und 2B mit dem kurzen Kleid? Pascal ist der Shit brudi. Ne, Spaß beiseite. Vielleicht fehlt mir noch der Anime, den ich auf jeden Fall die Tage noch schauen werde, aber mir hat tatsĂ€chlich ein bisschen mehr Hintergrundwissen zu A2 gefehlt (und ja, ich habe Logs/EintrĂ€ge gelesen). Ansonsten sind einem die Main Charaktere gut ins Herz geschlossen (hab nicht geweint, außer bei Pascal.) || Abschließen ist zu sagen, dass ich das Spiel mochte. Jetzt nicht ĂŒbertrieben krass und mir tut es sehr weh, dass mein Spielstand weg ist, aber es hat sich auf jeden Fall gelohnt.

Great, great , great. It’s got everything you could want in here. Action, sadness, cake, weirdness.

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im sorry guys.. im a hater of this game.. D: :( >_< the combat was pretty fun at first but it just got more dull for me as i got on. probably because i installed so many chips that basically broke combat. also doing a specific action in combat is just hard and weird and the game doesn’t really have an instruction on how to do said action. the story is just lackluster for me. i didn’t like replaying as 9S just to find out “oh humans are all dead lol we just gaslit you to do shit for us lmao” like i didn’t really get anything new from this replay. the story does have crazy moments but i think it was my lack of interest or intrigue in the characters. ill say this though, the part where 2B escapes the base and all the EVILLL androids are fucking her up and she has the virus and is dying made me mad and SADD MAN.. like “noo.. im so underpowered dawg.. MY ROBOT CHICK IS DYINH!!!!!” and ending E was heartfelt but overall, i just didn’t really feel connected to the story bit atleast it made me think “damn, it must be interesting to see how people view something and experience the emotion they felt they loved something you didn’t like” that’s really intresting. one day ill buy out elons stupid brain tech company to finish the xboxmindlink so that i can feel and examine what a person thinks when they and why they love nier automata

I feel like this game isn’t for me but I can appreciate a lot of things about it

J'y joue seulement pour regarder le cul de la meuf

This game made me gay and depressed

"Como assim tem mais de um final? Como assim acabou?"
Nier Automata é incrível, gameplay fluída, história e narrativa intrigante e emocionante e uma das trilhas sonoras mais marcantes dessa década. O combate é bem refinado, as vezes bem desafiador e impreciso mas é semelhante a uma dança quando se entende as mecùnicas, a história é melancólica e te prende querendo saber mais jogando novamente até concluir todos os finais.

éșă‚”ăƒŹă‚żć Žæ‰€/æ–œć…‰

Uno de los juegos de mi vida una obra maestra en el desarrollo de personajes

Achei que tinha zerado aĂ­ descobri que tinha que zerar mais duas vezes e cansei.

This game attempts to have a genuine philosophical conversation with the player and it amazingly succeeds.

A really solid Japanese RPG game with fluid gameplay.
Recommended if you like the Final Fantasy series.

esse jogo me botou pra pensar muitos pensamentos, lindo incrivel uma das melhores trilhas sonoras q eu ja tive o prazer de ouvir

best story in my opinion i legit almost cried when i finished the game for the first time and got ending A

For many years, people have been singing the praises of Nier: Automata. People have long held it up as the shining example of what games can and should be, and while I have not been shy on labelling other games with this commendation, it is Nier: Automata that has caused me to consider it the most. The game and its audience want to impress upon you not an idea, but a question: what does it mean to be human? And impress it does, undoubtedly. I am not the first, and will not be the last to say this is an incredible game, but the question I truly came away from it asking was actually: what does it mean for a game to be good?

The short, easy answer might be to say that if a game is like Nier: Automata, then it is good, but herein lies my dilemma, for on many, many levels I actually believe that this is a deeply flawed game. Many of the aspects of what one would usually look for in a game are either missing, poorly implemented or under-explored. Take the combat, for example: extremely shallow, an overabundance of particle effects which make it hard to see what is going on, controls which are awkwardly mapped, ambiguously applied stats, imprecise hitboxes and little enemy variety. Despite this, I had a great time with it. In fact, I could not get enough of it. So, why? What made the combat so great, so fun, despite all of the obvious flaws?

I have found similar issues in almost every part of the game. Quest design, enemy design, progression, loot pool, material economy, level design, even the UI. I have massive issues with each an every part of this game. Something I often see around the discussion of it is people desperately attempting to jump through hoops to explain why actually, every quest needs to be a fetch quest because it imparts onto you the mundanity of every day life, or something. And sure, you could say that, but in reality, it is just shit quest design.

But that is OK, because the game is still incredible, despite its numerous flaws.

I attribute a large portion of responsibility for this phenomenon to the game's narrative. Not only is it intriguing, powerful, effective and moving, but it entirely relates itself to the game mechanics, in many ways it is the game's mechanics, the game itself even, from the title screen to the controls. Everything in the story involves you to a degree I have never seen before, but not in a "your choices matter way" (they largely do not), but in the way in which the game seeks to involve you. Whether it be from combat to booting up the game itself, Nier: Automata's philosophy is that you must be the primary actor in your experience.

And I really mean that that is its philosophy. As Tolkien wrote in The Lord of the Rings, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us". The conclusion Nier: Automata comes to is broadly very similar: life is the actions you take, the people you love, the time you spend being alive; so do not let someone else decide how you spend it.

This is not a new take, but I believe the reason the game's themes work so well, have been so acclaimed and praised, is that they are delivered in the interactive medium in a way it had never really been delivered before. The beauty of Nier: Automata is not that it seeks to give a definitive answer to the meaning of life, but to make you consider it. While this topic is certainly nothing new to the realm of philosophy, Nier: Automata is not claiming that; what it is doing is showing that games can make valuable contributions to discussion on larger, more serious (though I hate to use that word as an explicit compliment) subjects, without trying to become something other than a game and bringing original perspectives that only a game could provide.

A lot of games have come out since 2017, and personally I believe a lot of them have done pretty much every part of Nier: Automata better. Disco Elysium left a deeper impact on me, Lies of P is a much better action game, Hi-Fi Rush has better hack-n-slash combat, God of War explored themes of violence in games in a more effective manner and Alan Wake II delivers its story in a far more interesting way. The thing is, much like I said of Alan Wake II, what makes Nier: Automata special is that I have never played or seen anything like it before in my life. The reason that this game is so good then, at least in my opinion, is not due to any of the individual aspects that make it up, but because every facet of this game is so infused with this total uncompromising vision, purpose and ambition of proving that games can give you an impactful experience and make you consider the great wonders of existence, while also being an extremely cool and stylish action hack-n-slash title.

That is why, despite the issues I have with it, I would highly recommend this game to everyone. I do not believe I have done this game justice in this summary. It is a totally unique experience, a triumph of the medium. There is so much that could be said of this game, but part of Nier: Automata is that it is meant to mean something to you, on an individual, personal level. So instead of me telling you about this game any more than I already have, just go and play it.

Kinda fun but kinda repetitive

literally the peakest peak of all time

No entré mucho en la historia, y el gameplay me parece horrendo. Armas fatal balanceadas y unos enemigos horribles. Sin mås

fundamentally changed my life when i was 16

excellent game except for that one freakin boss fight dang it

This game changed me. Please play it

I want to kms one of my favorites of all time

My two favourite things: philosophy and big juicy asses

Those last couple hours are insane