Reviews from

in the past

gostei da história... no começo, não estava curtindo a gameplay, mas depois comecei a se aventurar mais no jogo e a realização pecado inocente. Tatsuya, te amo por ser bissexual

"I am you. You are me... I shall always watch over you from within. Farewell..."

a historia e os personagens são bem legais mas pra ser sincero quem fala que isso aqui é o melhor persona tem 95% de chance de feder a cebola

actually really colorful and a big step up from one. like the style, dont wanna deal with early persona game crap so i dropped it. its mid. hi alject

Great game, love the characters and the themes of dreams, how the adults around us shape us and affect us even as we grow up

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Finally having the pleasure to play this game, I gotta say, going from Persona 1 to this game was a dream. The combat, story, writing, and well, everything is better. The story is by far one of the most creative in the series, definitely outlandish, but awesome if you stick with it. This cast is probably my favorite of the entire series both in their designs and how well-explored they are as characters, we get to see the good and ugly of them and both sides feel adequately fleshed out, these characters are criminally underrated. The combat, while slow for the PSP version (thank you fast forward for making grinding go for a breeze), has vastly been improved in terms of balancing and how you engage enemies and it's less tedious as a result. The dungeons are for the most part fine...minus the ones with damaging and SP-draining floors and the atmosphere of the game in general is incredible. Visually, the game's aged quite well, especially with the art, sure, it's no Persona 5 or anything, but it's got its own identity and sticks out nicely with its usage of grungier colors compared to the rest of the series. The music and voice-acting are great as well (though I played the undub for this game specifically because Eternal Punishment on PSP was never translated or dubbed and as a result, it's in Japanese so I thought it made sense, but from what I've heard of the English dub, it's pretty great and does the characters justice.) The battle and dungeon themes, in particular, are damn good in this game and the shop themes add charm to seemingly ornate places.

Overall, it's a solid experience that's only one part of an amazing Duology and if you enjoyed this game, Eternal Punishment's gonna be a trip for you. Don't sleep on these classic Persona games, everyone, you're missing out.

this is such a step up from p1 its crazy. maya rules. I liked how they narrowed down the broader themes of self-discovery in p1 and focused on each party member's relationship with their parents and how it formed their sense of self.

the combat is still holding it back, these games are easier than p5 even. But its a bit of a blessing in disguise cause the encounter rate is so high if you weren't able to auto battle through the entire game and actually had to make decisions and stuff during fights it would be like 3 times as long lmao.

also why no yuka ayase cameo they brought like everyone else back

In the past half decade, I started my journey with the Persona series, and now I am making my final stop with the Persona 2 duology. I have had a strenuous relationship with the four games that preceded this, with opinions on games ranging from “fantastic!” to “that was kind of bad..”, and now I wondered what my feelings would be for this one. Luckily for me, it fell firmly on the former rather than latter- and I have been enamored and absorbed into this title deeply. It is not without some issues, but where it shines it does so so radiantly that I just simply fell in love.

The elephant in the room here is the moment-to-moment gameplay- which its distasteful fan commentary was virtually the only thing I knew going in. Now, was the gameplay of Persona 2 Innocent Sin bad? To that I say, “not really I guess”- however I can’t dance around its glaring flaws. This game plays very.. plain- and I like plain! Selecting actions and watching them play out has never ceased to be entertaining for me. That being said, I think three major things hold it back from true excellence.

Firstly, This game has an insane encounter rate. I personally love random encounters in JRPGs, but they really crank it up here. Doing anything in a dungeon will undoubtedly have you lining up to kill some demons a few times. It is made worse by…

Secondly, This game needs a redbull or something because goodness it is sluggish! Menu selections in a battle feel like you’re choosing them through molasses, the battle animations are incredibly repetitive (press start to use the skip feature !!!), and getting in and out of every battle has a little load screen to accompany it- and that was with the extra data install you can do to trim loads. If you truly lack patience, it might be worth busting out your fancy emulator fast-forward toggle. And finally you start to question the point at all because…

Finally, This game is easy. Like, you have to try extensively to fail here. I don’t want to sound hyperbolic here but I can’t think of a more accurate descriptor than “brainless” here. You can very easily beat this entire game using exclusively the story-granted Personas. I used the Velvet Room maybe two or three times to see what it was like, but never even used my new companions because it didn’t matter. I also did a minimal amount of side content (mostly due to it being kind of obtuse to even find) and never found an ultimate weapon or armor for anyone. I still could beat nearly every encounter with a nice and balanced magic-spamming autobattle. Dump your stats into magic and just go crazy- it’ll work just fine. This is the first JRPG where I didn’t get a game over even a single time. I like easy fine enough, but when it is this easy, sluggish, and prominent it can get a little tiring. However, I still don’t think it is “bad”, just kind of boring and repetitive- but there is some satisfaction to it all watching everyone level up more and just steamroll everything. It doesn’t ruin the experience at all, to me atleast.

For every gameplay misstep, however, it is made up for tenfold by the storytelling served to you here, because damn this game absolutely fascinated me from start to end. Right from the very beginning it sets up such a compelling mystery and intrigue that you truly want to unravel, and it never slows down with dull moments or loses any appeal. Persona nowadays tries to act “adult” but feverishly lacks the nuance needed more times than not, in my opinion. This game also introduces some very heavy and mature themes, but I never found it disingenuous or distasteful when presented here since it is very carefully crafted to be nuanced and treated with care- while still never losing the charm and levity of the colorful cast. Every second of it was engaging, thought provoking on occasion, and legitimately moving when it needed to be. This game has all sorts of anime craziness for sure, but it uses the surrealism to paint a very contrasting image to the down to earth and realistic atmosphere and narrative it delivers- and I think both sides of the coin are strengthened because of it.

What really punctuates this story, though, is the characters it tells it with, and I think this is easily the best cast of characters this series has ever had. Every single one of them is not only likable, not only really unique, but also consistently develops throughout the story with some outstanding writing and characterization. This is a game about a group of ordinary people overcoming their past trauma by internalizing it and facing their fears with newfound courage, supportive friends, and also maybe some occult powers- and I think conceptually and in execution it is beautiful. This game doesn't hide critical character development behind optional social links, it doesn’t force in a dating sim mechanic or double its runtime by splicing in slice of life shenanigans, it just tells a story and it does it wonderfully.

Innocent Sin kind of snuck up on me. I didn’t know what to expect from it, but this level of praise and love was not quite on my bingo card. I am simply enamored by this game, and I think it is a very special experience. I will be playing Eternal Punishment soon, even though I was so satisfied by this game I don’t quite feel I “need” a continuation- but I can’t turn it down either. I hope that this game gets a modern rerelease along with P1 and EP so more people can experience and love these games like I have. Until then, my conclusion simply states that this game rules.

Final thoughts I couldn't really segway into this review naturally:

- Maya is easily the best character in the series and every aspect of her personality, dialogue, and actions made her both incredibly silly and also heartwarming with a genuine love for her friends. I found her to be the heart of the cast and really laid the foundation for why this story and cast is so good.
- The cast including someone not Japanese, someone from another school, an adult, and an experienced persona user makes this an incredibly diverse and unique cast compared to anything else and I thought it was really refreshing and cool.
- More Philemon. I love Philemon.
- More Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy (it is a crime it stopped being used after P2)
- Out of all the Persona games this has the best antagonist(s) which I’m not mentioning here since I don’t want to spoil anything, but if you know you know
- Not having traditional demon fusing was a little jarring coming from someone so thoroughly invested in Megaten, but I came to appreciate it fast due to it being different and new- even if barely necessary.
- The rumor system didn’t get as much use as something as cool as it should, but when it was an option I loved seeing how it would impact the world.
- The music is great but unfortunately to me lacks a lot of the impact and atmosphere from something like P1 and I was a little disappointed just having that subconscious comparison (but still love it anyways)
- This game still rules

I didn't get very far but holy hell they make finding your goddamn teacher during the intro hard as hell.

This is not a review of the full game, I just want to talk about the DLC. Thanks to the work of Eiowlta, DarTisD, Sayucchi, Polyglot Sammy, Gabriulio and Apollo, the DLC content for Innocent Sin is finally available in English.

This DLC consists of small stories or "movies" that you can play at the Climax Theater. There are 9 in total, but the most important ones, at least for me, are the ones called Dark Shadow 1, 2 and 3. These were written by Tadashi Satomi, the original writer for Persona 1 and the Persona 2 duology. These stories were meant to connect the events of Persona 1 with Persona 2, and setting a little bit of lore for the Tatsuya scenario in the psp version of Eternal Punishment.

We get to see how the events of Persona 1 affected the lives of the main characters in that game, and how both routes, the SEBEC one and the Snow Queen, actually happen at the same time, which I think is pretty cool. I'm a little sad that Mark and Yuka did not appeared, but at least they were mentioned.

Another interesting bit is that the main characters of Persona 1, still know how to unlock the power of Persona in other people, which is a nice call back. Finally we learn that Philemon has the power to send people back in time.

That's about it, very short but with a lot of cool details. I'm so glad that we are finally able to play this. The translations community is awesome.

Good story and good characters, garbage gameplay btw

My favorite Persona game. I wish Persona 6 would reuse some aspects of it. Easily the best story among the other games from the franchise.

Innocent Sin is the continuation of the Persona anthology series, and a lot went into the mix while making it. Mainly ramping it up in gameplay and story, but it mainly succeeds on having a really loveable cast of main characters that are greatly expanded upon and are given so much development in so little, coupled with the story and narrative around them being actually batshit insane (in the positive sense), Persona 2 is simply not afraid to do whatever the hell it wants to do and its one of those games that would definitely get shafted in a localization nowadays just because they would most likely not let a lot of it slide.
It has a lot of "edgy" rocker spunk to it that is highly missing in the Hashino games going forward, but for a game that I abstained to play for the longest time (because I wanted to play the first one beforehand) even if the first quarter of the game was rather slow, it was a very neat surprise to see the direction it was going and how much more complex things get in the latter part of it. I just love how this group of seemingly strangers get put into some very dire and chaotic situations off the bat, to be in a death or life situation a lot of the times really makes them way closer together than most Persona parties in the series.
I also particularly like how you get a lot of mileage if you've played the first Persona before this, even more if you've played Shin Megami Tensei if... or Devil Summoner (somehow) making this trilogy really feel the most connected despite its anthology nature.

Then sadly there's the gameplay department. It still comes from the first Persona game so it's a buncha auto and fast forwarding and later on hope you don't get one shot and die instantly, lucky for everyone the PSP version of it is so easy you can beat with the Personas you get at the start, middle point and the endgame, so save for a few fusions you won't really need to bother with it which is great because fusions SUCK here with the stackable tarot card system, it's so grindy and annoying for no real reason and I have no clue why they changed it from the one they had before. They also kept random encounters which in general is a shitty concept, especially since despite having a grid map you don't really move in a grid in the dungeons so you can take one wrong step and trigger a fight. At least dungeon crawling and most exploration is not a hallway simulator and you can actually move around in 3D environments and see the characters interact in a comic way since the 2D character sprites got an upgrade and are now way more emotive so it gives way for more slapstick humor that goes well with the mentioned already ensemble cast.

I often don't point out the soundtrack in games I play but this one deserves it, just like Megami Ibunroku Persona in the PSX this game also has very extensive and very immersive sound for the most part besides some real great tunes in the dungeons or places you can visit in the overworld, it's also got a double OST but thankfully the rerelease version didn't completely changed up the vibe but made it a little bit more techno which is alright.

I'm pretty happy I finally got around to play this considering everyone in the Persona fandom liked it so much, and yeah I agree, it's better than most modern Persona games and I wish they could revisit these characters in some capacity in the future since they're so good. Hell, I'd even take a Dancing game if that's all we can get.

I like this game an awful lot but the difficulty is so dogshit 💔

Solid entry in the Persona series with a lot of great moments! Definitely feels dated in some ways, but makes up for it with an amazing soundtrack, a great cast, and some level design that sometimes even beats out the more modern Persona games.

I think this is probably where the Persona series peaks in terms of characters. The story is great, but the gameplay is very lackluster to the point where it was actively a slog to get through, despite how good the narrative was. Going from Persona 1 to Persona 2 was complete gameplay whiplash. I found Persona 1's gameplay great, and I feel Persona 2 was such a step down.

Awesome story that carries most of the game since the gameplay is pretty subpar

Very good story and characters, but the game difficulty is weird: the enemies do no damage even in hard, but almost all of them have instant kill abilities in the endgame. Also the combat is slowwwwww, why do I have to wait half a second for every decision in the menu.

An interesting look at pre-modern Persona, with strong character writing that carries a bunch of ideas I don't know quite land.

Super interesting story, the most interesting story of all Personas, but god... oh god the gameplay is bad.

A surprisingly fun time. It is not at all like future Persona games, yet still retains the charm that they give off.