Reviews from

in the past

Playing as a bisexual queen was sadly not enough for this one

the first j-rpg games i finished,and it make me addicted with rpg genre

if i hear one more ken amada joke i swear to god

Finally I get to feel Akihiko's abs without feeling (very) gay

I love persona 3 so much to the point where i played it again so i could play it as a visual novel and with a female protag

persona 3 reload ta ai pra eu terminar esse jogo de vdd

ok so i need to clarify some things before i talk about the game.

my first experience with persona 3 was on youtube with persona 3 FES (just your average persona fan amirite :P) after i found out there is no actual definitive way to play persona 3 (this was before reload was even announced)

so ill talk about my experience with the story and presentation first with FES and the gameplay with portable. don't worry! i will eventually play persona 3 FES to make things fair, just letting you know!

review start below

holy hell this game was an experience, the story, tone, and atmosphere was such a drastic difference having played 4 and 5. and i love it!! it makes sense as this is the first evolution of the franchise after the persona 2 games so it still contains some of the Shin Megami Tensei DNA. the characters are also really good! very different dynamics compared to 4 and 5. the ending is also the most bittersweet right up there with the royal exclusive ending!

i played the game on the vita with portable as my first gameplay experience so everything was downgraded for the psp to a more visual-novel style with the daily life aspect, if you played FES id recommend going with the female protagonist to not feel like you're playing a worse version of the game. tartarus is very boring in terms of it being an actual dungeon, barely anything changed as you progress but as i said in the p4 review i can deal with it. gameplay however was pretty good! same experience with p4. the soundtrack is AMAZING! every persona game's soundtrack is phenomenal so this game was no exception! lotus juice and yumi kawamura are such legends!

the social links are mixed for me, some are really good! and some are just eh, tho none of them are actually bad or anything!

overall i highly recommend persona 3 and id recommend experiencing reload before any of the other versions!

Me tocara volverlo a jugar, pero es bastante bueno la vdd

My first MegaTen game and easily one that I will always remember it fondly because of its themes,cast and soundtrack. Despite the many gameplay flaws it has I still enjoyed it a lot nontheless.

Le daría una estrella por ser el responsable de que me prendan los dispositivos electrónicos. La ÚNICA RAZÓN por la que le doy 4.5 es porque incluyeron a mi novia Saori, el cual es el mejor social link de la franquicia y no estoy abierto a debate.

Good game but outshined by other Persona games. Portable has a lot of aspects that bring it down due to the software it was made for.

Meu primeiro Persona, amei a mecânica de Social Link, combate super divertido, temática super envolvente e um dos melhores finais que já vi na vida. Estou apaixonado.

downgraded p3 but atleast it has FeMC

FeMC fans I understand the struggle now

240h weren't enough, One of the best games I've ever played

This review contains spoilers

This game changed my life.

I remember the day I got it on the Vita online shop, I had just played Persona 4 Golden and I had an itch I needed to scratch, I heard I could play as a girl in this one too!
Then, just like that, my view on the very concept of death is completely changed.

When I first found this game I'd restlessly toss and turn in my bed in terror of the inevitability of death, then this game told me to stare death directly in the face and accept it.

All the good, all the bad, death should not stop me from living. Live in the time that you have, experience the beauty.

Burn your dread.

I really loved playing portable even though I prefer FES more. I do not mind the visual novel presentation it was kind of relaxing and also really comfortable when you play it on a handheld. It also looks great on the small Psp screen. It was also my first time playing the femc route. I really enjoyed the new social links especially the Shinjiro, Junpei ones and also from the new characters like Rio and Saori. I played the game on hard but did not do a new game plus run or finished the Magaret quest. I also liked the new tracks for the femc route my favorite is probably a way of life. I really liked the femc route and I think it is a cool idea but I personally could connect more with the male main character route.

This review contains spoilers

i feel like i shoulda played the other versions first but i really wanted to play as kotone so p3p was my first experience.
i mean it’s alright it’s nothing too bad nor that good tbh. i really hated that lil plot twist with ikutsuki. pissed me off so much i dropped the game for like 4 months lol. i picked it back up though and it’s not as bad as i made it out to be. i love bittersweet endings and this one definitely goes up on the list for the ones i love.
even when i wasn’t playing it though i listened to the soundtrack cuz it was such a vibe. annoyed tf outta my friend cuz anytime i was listening to it i felt the need to let her know and get her to listen aswell.

Persona 3 Portable é algo que eu fico muito confuso, sim eles fazerem >Persona 3< rodar em um portátil fraco que nem o PSP é algo surpreendente, mas realmente valeu a pena? Eu quero começar falando o quão esse jogo é FEIO, é sério eu aumentei a resolução no emulador pra ficar mais bonito, mas esse jogo normal é horrível, tudo serrilhado e horrendo, o original também era um pouco mas esse aqui é sacanagem.
Agora pra falar do elefante na sala, a remoção de cutscenes e recriar algumas ingame é algo que causa mais problemas que benefícios, primeiro que que nem eu falei, esse jogo é horrível nativamente, combina isso com o fato que o PSP não é tão potente faz as cutscenes que usam os modelos ingame são horríveis, o awakening do makoto é algo muito foda de Persona 3 (Original, vai se fuder Reload) e nesse jogo ficou horrendo, o suspense, atmosfera e TUDO sumiu, parece que os desenvolvedores só recriaram a cutscene de memória sem reassistir o original pra ter uma referência de como ela era, agora pras cutscenes que não foram recriadas ingame, elas são do mal a pior, todas as imagens parece que tão na pior qualidade possível e tem só uma descriçãozinha merreca pra explicar o que tá acontecendo pro jogador, tem coisas no endgame que são importantes e nesse jogo é só uma linha de texto e cagam pra tudo.
Partindo pra gameplay, começando no jogo de dia, é É o suficiente pelo menos, o problema de ter fotos com qualidade ruim ainda existe no overworld e nas imagens de fundo dos social links ainda é um problema mas pelo menos os social links continuam normais, eu ainda prefiro modelos 3D do que uma visual novel mas é o jeito.
Agora partindo pra dark hour, algo que eu gostei muito é que agora os party member NÃO SAEM do time quando você volta pro primeiro andar do tartarus se eles estiverem nocauteados enquanto tu explorava o tartarus, outra coisa legal é que agora (oficialmente) os party members não são mais controlador por IA (ainda dar as mesmas opções de tática pra quem quisesse jogar com IA e não controlando os personagens seria legal mas não botaram no jogo, uma pena), agora o combate nesse jogo é...meh eu digo isso por que ele agora tem o estilo de 1 more "moderno" de persona 4 (e 5, 3R etc) que eu não sou muito fã, essa mudança fez esse jogo ficar MUITO fácil e dá pra exploitar mais do que dava no original.
Agora a adição do Portable mais importante, a FeMC, ela é legal.
É isso galera obrigado por lerem a review tmj

Agora falando sério, ela é legal de se ter e eu até que gostei de alguns social links novos dela (alguns são chatos ou potencial desperdiçado) (a Saori é minha favorita) mas honestamente eu não vejo muito hype nela, eu tô me repetindo muito mas é, eu só acho ela legal no máximo, talvez eu não seja o tipo de pessoa que criaram a femc pra, então talvez eu não ache tão foda, mas é isso.
Em geral o portable foi uma experiê Pra mim eu não vejo muito motivo pra jogar ele ao invés do FES ou até o Reload, tem muitas coisas que ele peca e acho que mais coisas que peca que coisas que ele faz certo, eu não diria que se você jogar só essa versão você vai "PERDER TUDO DE PERSONA 3 VOCÊ VAI TER UMA EXPERIÊNCIA INCOMPLETA!!!1!!1!11", Mas que você não vai absorver tanta coisa que nem as outras versões você vai, eu queria muito gostar mais dessa versão já que Persona 3 é um jogo que eu acho muito foda, mas nesse estado que ele ficou eu acho impossível eu gostar muito dele.

A pesar de ser un powerpoint, es una buena experiencia aunque yo recomendaría reload como la versión definitiva 🥶

no matter what people say i will NEVER hate you femc. i will forever miss having a female protag in persona
this is my favorite out of all persona games, it just brings me a lot of comfort. the themes of death and fate are just immaculate, each character adding so much depth to the overall message of the story... a piece of art. truly
ive played it fully twice, and i cant wait to play it once again!

Fiquei low level no endgame por nn querer farmar xp por causa do tartarus

Sadly the worst persona i ever played, I known the ending for ages and this destroyed my experience for sure. But anyway i feld empty playing this game, I always rush in tartarus so I was waiting 2 ingame weeks for more stuff coming. In other personas you dont feeld that, you had a lot to do while in 3 it feels empty.