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in the past

Lowkey the lock gimmick in the investigations was a big headache and i didn't vibe with it but game's so good aside from that.

Turnabout Big Top was one of the worst gaming experience I've ever had but Farewell, My Turnabout makes up for all of it. Miles Edgeworth, I love you.

1. Farewell, My Turnabout
2. Reunion, and Turnabout
3. Turnabout Big Top
4. The Lost Turnabout

Definitely the weakest of the trilogy.

Justice for All como sequência traz mecânicas que melhoram a narrativa de investigação, como apresentar perfis dos personagens, deixando separado das evidências, deixando bem menos complicado apresentação de alguns fatos nos casos e psy lockers que deixam a seção de investigação mais envolvente e instigante.

Em relação a história, maioria dos casos tem uma história mais fraca que anterior, talvez ainda com problema de ritmo durante as investigações que pode deixar um tanto chato,porém ultimo além de ser possivelmente o melhor caso entre os dois, a narrativa do jogo ainda trás um desenvolvimento muito bom pra todos personagens, principalmente pro protagonista.

Achei esse inferior ao primeiro. O primeiro caso é só um tutorial, mas gostei de colocarem que o Phoenix estaca sofrendo de amnésia pra justificar o por que ele não saber como o tribunal funciona.

O segundo caso é muito interessante, apesar de algumas coisas serem previsíveis.

O terceiro caso eu realmente não gostei. Ele começa bem, mas eu simplesmente achei a solução dele extremamente viajada.

Agora, o quarto caso encerra o jogo de uma forma perfeita. Foi o melhor caso da série até agora pra mim e há momentos que conseguem te passar tensão.

Acho que ele tem os mesmos defeitos que o primeiro, com a diferença que o enredo de alguns casos não são tão bons assim. E o defeito de não ter uma tradução pra português dificulta ainda mais a experiência (eu joguei ele na coletânea de Xbox Séries).

PW:AA:JFA repete os mesmos defeitos do seu antecessor e peca um pouco na história, mas se você gostou do primeira e gosta de histórias de investigação, tenho certeza que esse jogo pode te agradar.

Wow! This game is way better than I remember it being, and also, I... I... I like Turnabout Big Top...

last case is actual peak storytelling in video game history. would be 5 stars if it wasnt for the shite middle cases

The world if Turnabout Big Top didn't exist >>>

This game, man. It has one of the worst middle cases ever, but knocks it out of the park with it's final case. It's a nice bowtie (for now) on the legacy of people, their parental figures, and how it effects their children. And how they get to choose what to do with it. The character dynamics are great in this game, seriously one of the best in the series. A bit of a pain to get through, but it's well worth it.
Play the DS version and gun for the bad ending for a funny translation error.

I think outside of the last case this game is kinda mid bit I always feel like I like it more than I remember when I'm playing lol

Circus case is so cringeworthy bad that it made me loving it. No ok, it was plainly bad (they didn't rewritten some parts to ret-con AA1 case 5, but whatever).

The rest of the game is amazing, the final case was so satisfying and awesome.

Perdeu a memória o que vtnc kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

got hospitalised for 24 hours and started playing this to pass time i really dont have anything to say about it that i havent about the first one. just goofy fun.

introduces a lot of neat things to the series but gets carried hard by the last case and is easily the weakest of the trilogy

No es tan bueno que el primer juego de la saga, me pareció aburrido en ciertos casos. Pero dentro de todo, muy buena secuela. Solo me falta el tercero para completar la trilogía y ya ir por los Layton.
Está entrega en cierta parte tiene más cantidad de puzzle que el primero (o eso me pareció a mi). Estuve MUCHO rato intentando resolver casos. Además añadiéndole que no jugaba seguido, volvía a jugar cada 3 o 4 días después de haber jugado.
El tercero siento que posiblemente sea mejor, espero que sea así.

Franziska von Karma, my beloved

Talvez se queda corto ante al anterior un tantito, pero el ultimo caso es muy chingon

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What an insane drop off in quality from the first game. The only improvement from the first game imo is being able to present profiles to people/as evidence (I really like that one) The spirit channeling thing just doesn't do it for me. I thought it was pretty tastefully used in the first game, although I still wasn't a big fan of it, but this game just abuses it. The whole psych-locks thing removes the mystery from the game when you can immediately tell if someone is lying or not, I don't think the concept of presenting evidence to someone to try and pry information out of them is bad, I just wish they left it at that instead of telling you when someone is lying.

I really don't like Pearls character, she is not written like an 8 year old at all but they will occasionally have her say stuff like "whats an con-puter" and have her cry and stuff like she wasn't just having a nuanced conversation about case details. And I do not like how she gets to be on the defense stand like why do they let her up there? Maya being up there makes sense cause she is Nick's partner but like, Pearls is 8 and obviously not employed by Nick so why tf is she up there? I know that for the most part she is in "Mia's form" or whatever but that's also stupid cuz Mia is back from the dead and no one gaf. And at one point Pearls is on the defense stand and THEN TURNS INTO MIA like wtf lololol this shit is so dumb to me, no one in the court room even said anything like a 3ft tall 8 year old didn't just turn into a 27 year old in the middle of the courtroom like WHAT.
Some of the cases really just suck ass, case 1 is pretty much just a tutorial so who cares. Case 2 is just too unbelievable for me that that actually happened I know that the first game really pushes your suspension of disbelief to its limits but this one just goes too far i'm sorry, it also pisses me off because it doesn't even get fully resolved (It may in the next game). Case 3...... is just kinda bad like I wasn't invested at all, the characters are all terrible or uninteresting imo. Case 4 is actually pretty good, but my issues with Pearls and the spirit stuff apply here so I can't say this case is truly great.

Very disappointed with this game and I really (really) hope the next one is better. (I've heard that it is.)
Some of the cases really just suck ass, case 1 is pretty much just a tutorial so who cares. Case 2 is just too unbelievable for me that that actually happened I know that the first game really pushes your suspension of disbelief to its limits but this one just goes too far i'm sorry, it also pisses me off because it doesn't even get fully resolved (It may in the next game). Case 3...... is just kinda bad like I wasn't invested at all, the characters are all terrible or uninteresting imo. Case 4 is actually pretty good, but my issues with Pearls and the spirit stuff apply here so I can't say this case is truly great.

Very disappointed with this game and I really (really) hope the next one is better. (I've heard that it is.)

the last case is absolutely phenomenal, but when the rest of the game kinda sucks its just bleh

El ultimo caso de este juego es historia de de los videojuegos, simplemente peak

I actually think I slightly prefer this to the first game. Yeah the third case is really bad but half the runtime is made up of the 4th case which is the best case in the original trilogy. The 2nd case is also pretty good and the first case, while not amazing, is overhated imo.

A little on the iffy side with quality but saved by the last case

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I don't think the Ace Attorney fandom and the band Tigers Jaw fan base are intertwined at all but Ben Woodman from 2-4 looks like Ben Walsh from Tigers Jaw and I can never unsee it :o xD

just like literally every other person on the planet i do not like turnabout bigtop. its a constant of life that we all just gotta live with. i started JFA back in like 2019 and i STILL have not finished it because i just dont wanna do turnabout bigtop. THAT BEING SAID, i seem to recall really REALLY enjoying those first few cases, and i wouldnt say its a bad game. once i get back to this game and finish it ill come back and edit this review

2 Casos Peak, 2 Caso legalzinho.
Não superou o 1 pra mim, mas me conquistou em muita coisa. A Música, Os Personagens...
E acho eles melhores desenvolvidos do que no jogo anterior até, tudo isso em um pacote lindo.
E bom, nem preciso comentar do Caso 4, simplesmente magnífico e tenso.
Pelo o que me disseram, eu esperava que era um jogo fraco, e hoje em dia, até que é pra mim....aí lembrei que Ace Attorney não tem jogo ruim Hihihihi

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Hot take: I like Justice for All a little better than the first game. Not by a ton; it has a lot of issues with the writing, which I'll get to in a bit, but I think the pacing is greatly improved and the magatama adds a lot to investigations.

The Lost Turnabout: A better first case than The First Turnabout, imo. Nick having amnesia is a pretty cool twist that also justifies re-tutorializing the mechanics. Maggie and The Drift King are really fun characters and Gumshoe is also there which is good.

Reunion and Turnabout: A very good second case. I like how it build's on the backgrounds of Maya, Kurain Village, and the Fey family. Pearl and Morgan are also great characters and it was fun getting to see Lotta again. The central mystery surrounding Ini Miney and how it plays out are also pretty neat. Franzy's my least favorite main prosecutor of the trilogy, but she's still got a lot going for her (even if it doesn't get fully resolved until Trials and Tribulations).

Turnabout Big Top: Hoo boy, this one's rough. You've probably heard before about how badly it handles the love triangle, and the defendant, and certain leaps in logic in the deduction, and certain parts of the trial, and all of those are true. With that said, I don't hate it, even if I think it's the weakest case in the trilogy. Moe the Clown is actually a pretty good character when he's not being so unfunny it gets a man convicted of murder, Acro's a really interesting killer, and I like the conversation between Franziska and Phoenix.

Farewell, My Turnabout: My second-favorite case in the trilogy. It has everything you could possibly ask for from an Ace Attorney case: High stakes, great characters, an intriguing mystery, Edgeworth catching the phone, and so much more. Edgeworth's return is absolutely glorious and really highlights how he's grown since the end of the first game, with him simultaneously being a rival and an ally. I love how the game tricks you into thinking it's just another Turnabout Samurai before immediately placing Maya's life on the line. And holy shit, Matt Engarde is a fantastic villain. Forcing Phoenix to defend a guilty man is probably the most interesting thing you could possibly do for his character, and it's fully explored here. All of this culminates in an insanely satisfying conclusion and an enticing set-up for the next game. This case deserves every bit of praise it gets.

creo que es mi favorito de la trilogía original
te hace llorar, te hace reír, habla de la justicia de una manera algo filosófica y tiene personajes redondos con los que encariñarse