Reviews from

in the past

This game is the reason I bought a Wii U. I was initially disappointed by the campaign's brevity. However the real meat of Pikmin 3 is to be found in the 1p & 2p challenge mode and 2p VS mode. This is a wonderful 2 player game in that respect, as the co-op and versus modes provided are unlike anything else out there.
Motion controls are highly recommended. I tried clearing it for the first time without them this year and I was noticeably slower than before.

This is the first Pikmin game I have beaten and it's suprisingly relaxing and stressful at the same time.

I am astonished at how good this is after not really enjoying the 2nd game. BEAUTIFUL graphics/vibe, amazing music and love the characters. I was only a bit annoyed with the area leading up to the final boss because i didnt realize it was the end and i was like wtf why is this so long? However, this is still a perfect game. Credits made me teary eyed. What the hell, man.

Its controls have a learning curve, not so good, but it just added so many options to the traditional Pikmin formula to make it much more strategic in comparison to the first two. It also is one of the best looking games I've ever played.

This was my first pikmin game and it led me too realize that this might be one of my favorite game series’ of all time. Sure, this game gets rid of the cave mechanic from 2 which I loved (even though they were kinda stressful) but it still makes up because of the amazing area, new pikmin types, the bosses, the story, and also the 2 amazing game modes that I have great memories with. 5/5

Beat this in like 2 sittings.

love it when those lil mfs go hup hep hip hep hup

She piking on my min until it becomes a trilogy. This game is one of the best Wii U games i ever played, this game has a lot of subtle details that are beautiful to watch.

One of the most incredible games I've ever played.
I especially love this Pikmin because of its combining of the time limit from Pikmin 1 with the treasure collecting of Pikmin 2 with the clever implementation of the "Juice" mechanic.
It has the best "Dandori" (time management) of any Pikmin game in my opinion, which is kinda what the games go for.

Un Pikmin assez surprenant puisque qu'il ne garde pas le système de donjons de son prédécesseur, ce qui baisse considérablement sa durée de vie. Cependant l'exploration est très agréable, et les musiques sont les meilleures de la série selon moi. Les combats de boss sont épiques et la dernière phase de jeu est absolument géniale et originale pour un Pikmin.

God i love pikmin, its such a nice series, but i haven't even gotten through the motion controls, its forced, If you don't want motion controls, get deluxe, but i will plan to get get deluxe soon to actually play it, still love pikmin <3

Ultimate comfort game, the amount of times I have just opened up the story mode and done a playthrough, or done a few Platinum runs of the mission mode. Spectacular

Pikmin 3 is a nice game. It features some nice quality of life updates that make it hard to go back to previous entries and it looks incredibly gorgeous. I've had my decent fun with this one, but it never really engaged me beyond that.

I have like 42 fucking vials of juice what the hell ain't no damn point to this game.

Incredible upgrade from the first 2 games visually and mechanically, but why are the final bosses always so bad

Having the Wii U gamepad on my lap and holding a wiimote/nunchuck for the first time in years. What a time to be alive 2013 was. The gamepad was definitely Nintendo flying a little too close to the sun with their zany ideas but dang I love this goofy thing. I actually think the controller is really comfortable and I played a ton of games remotely with it back in the day. Pikmin 3 utilizes the gamepad in a fun and compelling way. Getting little calls, reading reports, and directing your companions. It's charming as heck.

Pikmin 3 is all charm. The environments are detailed and beautiful. They are a real joy to exist in. The characters are all fun and them chatting in their fake little language interspersed with recognizable words like "PEEEKMIN" and "CAP-TEN" was really delightful. The Pikmin vibes are all intact. It strikes the balance between the fear of starvation and safety with the joys of exploration and learning. Alph and co. need to get food for their planet, which is a very serious and dangerous mission, but they cannot help but be delighted and curious about this world they are exploring and these little color coded plantmen.

Great vibes, the vibes are good but what about the gameplay. Coming off Pikmin 4 the gameplay had some stuff I liked and some stuff I didn't like. Bosses in this game are very grand. They are a big deal and it feels like a big deal when you beat one. The little halls right before a boss where the camera is fixed and angled up was very cool. I like the bosses in this game quite a lot. They make you feel very small and what I want out of my gameplay in Pikmin is to feel small and perform complex dandori.

Speaking of complexity I liked that aspect too. With the 3 captains and the ability to move them around the map using the gamepad I was able to perform some pretty efficient levels of dandori, directing captains/pikmin on opposite corners of the map. The water pikmin are introduced pretty late and I think that was smart. It made revisiting earlier maps a real fun treat because you could assign all your blue pikmin to one captain and have them explore the water and then have the other two captains clean up any other fruits you missed on your first go around. Swapping between the parties and multitasking is intuitive and feels good.

The maps themselves are varied and look really great. I think there is a lot of work that went into them and it shows but I was a bit disappointed with how many walls there are. The maps feel like a lot of hallways and bridges looping out of and back into the main base. They are not very open. Going down corridors and across bridges that are very intentionally captain/pikmin sized makes the world feel designed for me which is everything I DON'T want in a Pikmin game. Having the world feel designed for me makes Alph and co. feel "normal" sized instead of small and feeling small is kind of what it's all about.

Overall the game rules but I always feel a bit disappointed when I leave a game that has all the makings of a "most favorite special boy 5 star game" just thinking it's "really good". I look forward to revisiting this game in the future though, I think it could grow on me.

I really loved this game. I thought the new additions to the series were excellent like the lock-on mechanic and the swarm mechanic. Then I also really liked the new rock and ice Pikmin. Overall, this was really fun.

Looks beautiful on the Wii U, but a disappointingly short campaign. Side missions made up for it when they were all added

"We have enough food to last us for a short while at least."
me staring at the 35 containers of juice left: Yeah okay

mi mayor problema, es muy corto y facil
Pero el resto esta muy bien

I am really late to playing Pikmin 3, instead of paying for Pikmin 4 I decided I should play the game I paid for a decade earlier and never got around to playing. So I dusted off the old Wii U, got my wiimote and played Pikmin 3. Is it fun, of course, Pikmin like most Nintendo games follow a formula that just works. Fun gameplay that slowly evolves with new abilities that open up new areas to gain more abilities and so on. Sprinkle in some good boss battles and you got another solid Nintendo game. That said unlike most Nintendo games this one actually angered me because of control issues and weird design choices which were all addressed in the switch rerelease. So this is a review of the original Pikmin 3 before they fixed everything I will be complaining about.

I’m not going to explain pikmin much, but it’s basically the simple Nintendo strategy game where you manage troops. I played 2 and greatly enjoyed it, that game had no timer this one like the original (which I did not play) has a timer for each mission. So the game is split into days, you have about 15 minutes to explore, use pikmin to gather fruits, and grow them in number by delivering pikmin tokens or the dead bodies of the enemy bugs to your ship. If your pikmin are not back at the base when the timer is up the ones left out in the world are left behind and killed. Sometimes a little stress is exciting in game, when it works great to complement the gameplay, I don’t think it worked as much here.

These levels are a bit like spaghetti, lots of branching paths looping on top of one another and many one way dead ends until you find the necessary pikmin to advance. So exploring takes time, and that’s fun, I love finding things I can’t reach yet and later gaining an ability to open up more of the level. But when that timer is always on your back and you don’t want to get too far in the level or worse get roped into a boss at the worst time possible, that becomes stressful.

Then comes how the pikmin are used, I chose the wiimote control so I can move my character and launch pikmin with IR aiming at my target. This works pretty well except when the camera is being a pain which happens too often. There is just a lot to manage when say you are fighting enemies certain pikmin are in danger so you have to use a whistle to gather them up. That whistle automatically recalls all pikmin, so say some pikmin are attacking the boss and some are in danger of dying, if you whistle on that area yeah you save the dying pikmin but the ones attacking come back to you too. This happens for every activity and it has lead me to call pikmin I don’t want into areas that might kill them. This is all solved in the new version as pikmin doing an activity don’t get called by the whistle… that would have changed so much for me.

Then comes the team splitting aspect. Part of what makes pikmin 3 unique is you have three characters to control and each of them can take pikmin. You can stay together or split into teams and do things at the same time. Using the Wii U map you can direct teams to a part of the map and they will go on their own while you do something else, it’s multitasking for a game with limited time. If you can manage this I’m sure it’s great but I had issues when I had two teams, for one there was usually some danger that appears and now I have to change my attention. What if I don’t have the right pikmin in that group, I either need to run away to regroup or call another group. And then comes the way you split the team, many times you have to throw a character to reach a new spot and then you one by one throw pikmin to that character so they can have a squad, it’s just slow.

The main goal of the game is to collect fruit and find pieces needed to get your ship working. So pikmin have to go and grab things and take them to the ship, thats the core of pikmin. Normally it works right, you send pikmin to grab an object and they take it to the ship and they stay there, where they are safe. And then there are certain items like pieces of a bridge you have to build where for some stupid reason instead of the pikmin delivering the piece to the bridge and just waiting there they always no matter what come back to where the pieces were. Some of these are far away so what happens is I am going to the bridge that’s now complete but my pikmin are running from me, I have to chase them down. So many times when I’m managing multiple groups I don’t even know where these pikmin are cause they go different places on their own and there is no magical recall all pikmin button, you have to physically go find them. Again this was corrected in the new version.

So after all that complaining what you should take out of it is that I agree with Nintendo on what was annoying, cause clearly they addressed it all… but why was it there in the first place. Pikmin is a fun game, the formula works and it’s a shame these annoyances made for a game I didn’t care as much as the second one.

Now for what does work, it’s addicting, the mechanics are fun, exploring is fun, combat can be fun. The loop of running around and discovering ways to advance deeper and deeper in the map using the different pikmin abilities is great. You start with one pikmin group and add more as you go, this games new addition is the flying pikmin which allows you to reach new areas and battle flying enemies.

I enjoyed the planning and executing part of the strategy. Finding a huge monster blocking a path and trying to figure out which pikmin is best here, can I find bombs somewhere to help, is there an alternate path that lets me attack from two sides. And there is lots of cool environmental obstacles where multiple pikmin need to be used. When it’s all working the game is a blast.

Each level ends in a massive boss battle. Like I said before some of the control issues make these bosses more frustrating than they should be but ultimately they follow the tired and true formula that works for action adventure games. They have a pattern and a weakness, you have to discover that weakness then execute the attacks to defeat the boss. And of course there are phases to the battle. As much as some of these fights lead to be cursing at the screen because pikmin where being flung everywhere and dying in horrible ways, there is just something about the way Nintendo handles boss battles that are just so good.

It’s a good sized game too, about 11-14 hours long, with plenty of bonus stuff to do. This game is clearly designed with speed running in mind which I will not do but I can appreciate the design. Every mission counts as a day, so the first time you play you might do like 40 days to complete the game. But if you know what you are doing you can cut those days down significantly. I’m sure if a player can execute having three teams of pikmin all working efficiently they can beat this game in an absurdly low amount of days. More power to those players that master the game, I don’t want to but I can see the appeal.

There is also mission mode which I almost think is better than the main campaign. This distills the gameplay into very focused score based missions which highlights the best part of Pikmin. There are item hunts which is a smallish map with a certain amount of pikmin and a timer of 7 minutes, try to collect as much treasure as possible. All kinds of enemies and obstacles await but since it’s so focused I didn’t really have to worry about all that other nonsense that would irritate me. There is also enemy attack mode and boss rush. There are many missions to unlock and some are hidden in the main campaign as secrets.

Pikmin 3 looks really great for a Wii U game. There is something about the Pikmin art style that is stunning. These games have some of the best looking water ever. The locations look beautifully detailed, it’s a simple game but man it looks great even in sub HD.

Pikmin 3 has so much potential which I believe they tapped into with the switch remaster. The gameplay loop taps into what works for so many Nintendo games, just that fun interesting gameplay that is well designed and presented. Sadly a bunch of control and strange design choices didn’t sit well with me and made this experience more annoying than it had to be. I still had a ton of fun with it but I kind of wish I had played the switch version. Still Pikmin remains a fun quirky light strategy action adventure game that feels distinctly Nintendo.

Score: 7.1

Great game. Even if i (slightly) prefer the first game for it's arcadey feel, this one has gorgeous visuals, greatly improved AI for the Pikmins, really cool boss battles and three playable characters. Probably my favorite game on the Wii U.

Playing it in the completionist mindset of getting all the fruit, Pikmin 3 feels like the sequel that Pikmin 2 wished it was for Pikmin 1. With the wii u gamepad, the aspect of multitasking is highlighted more than ever, making the day to day process of collecting very fun.

This games focus on more of a linear story works too. Detracts even more from the arcadey aspect of 1, but it proves itself to not require it.

Best pikmin game so far. . .

Overall the best pikmin game IMO, although it is incredibly easy. This game plays like an optimized pikmin 1, where the main fun of the gameplay is seeing how fast you can beat it. 3 captains lets you play much more efficiently compared to 1 with just Olimar, although it may make the gameplay feel more mechanical than 1 where you're struggling for survival.

The day limit returning in this game is a cool idea but anyone who's even relatively competent will never see it get close to running out. The new pikmin types are really cool, although blues are essentially useless in this game and yellows are on life support.

Bingo battle is the best sidemode in any pikmin game by a wide margin. Mission mode can be fun if you're into that, but I never liked it that much personally.

Overall just has the most fun gameplay with the best functioning mechanics and controls. The areas are all fun to explore and giving each area 1 big boss to do is unique to this game (2's bosses function much differently to these, with not every cave having them and not having any time restriction). If enemies just had higher pikmin kill caps then the game would actually be difficult to, but as of now it's the easiest game in the series by far.