Reviews from

in the past

Muito bom, apesar de eu preferir o Black/White, esse não fica muito atrás

This is for sure one of the Pokemon games ever made in history

El último juego bueno de Pokemon

i'm about to unLEASH MY RAGE

Good roster
Wish they did sequel games again
Great story
Awesome sprites
Great music
One of the best pokemon games hands down

El ultimo juego de la era del DS y tuvieron que despedir introduciendo a Landorus-T

Pokemon blanco y negro fueron tan buenos que sacaron el 2

good story. I regret not playing earlier

Breath of fresh air. Never played it when it released and was able to enjoy a story I missed out on while reminiscing and commending how wonderfully done the pixel art was for this title. It's a shame that GF and TPCI moved away from this style.

they act like two legends cannot coexist both original and sequel are amazing games

Maybe the best Pokemon game ever. Jam-packed with side content, and most of it is even good.

So much better than I remembered

finished this so quick, just as fun as the rest of the unova games, my haxorus carried me through elite four


divertido, tem o tamanho ideial, e uma variedade expledida

they brought some old pokemon back and iris is a dime. rival kinda cringe but we ball

"Was this game really that good?"
Replays it
"Yeah. It was that good."

needed the gamestop exclusive shiny lvl 100 palkia to beat the elite 4

Curtia tanto deste jogo, pena que perdi a fita quando eu era puto e agora nunca cheguei a acabar

Let's just admit it, u also played it thinking u where going to get Kyurem-Reshiram

The Poke-mania continues with Pokemon Black 2! I've always loved the main Black and White games, so I figured it was high time I played the sequel/remix! I tried to catch every unique Pokemon I saw, but I didn't especially go out of my way to find them. I did all of the main and just about all of the post-game, and it took me just about 50 hours.

On a narrative level, the 5th gen story will always be my favorite. The concept of "should Pokemon be held in captivity" was a fascinating one, that I'm not sure they can ever really repeat. That said, the direct sequel to that story is fairly well told. There's still not nearly as much dialogue as there would come to be in X/Y and Sun/Moon, but it's still interesting. Your rival isn't quite as boring as Barry, but he's nowhere near as memorable as Hau or Gladion.

The pacing is much better in this game than the first B/W games. With a 300-strong national Pokedex, you're always running into new Pokemon in new areas. The difficulty curve is also feels very smooth. All the way up the champion, I always felt that the trains I fought were just strong and smart enough to keep me on my toes. It never felt like the game was just wasting my time. Original B/W felt like you hit a brick wall when you got to the elite 4 where you just had to grind for hours (as I've had to do in my last 4 playthroughs of that gen), but this game happily didn't have that. The strange thing was that the game gates off a lot of the best TM's until the very late main story or even the post-game. You don't get Thunderbolt until RIGHT before the elite 4, and you can't get Earthquake until the post-game. Being thunderbolt-less for so long made life quite a bit harder than it needed to be :P

This game tries a good few new things on a mechanical level that I thought were, if not a good addition by themselves, at least interesting ideas. The habitat list that shows you specifically what Pokemon (that you've already seen) appear in each location is SUPER helpful for hunting down specific guys. Invaluable for a full-dex run if you weren't gonna just look it all up on Bulbapedia like I do :P . The medals effectively function like achievements. Just like real achievements, they don't really add anything to the game, but it's very interesting to have them in a Nintendo game, let alone a Pokemon game. You've got Pokestar Studios, which is kind of a puzzle-mode. It's something you can just do whenever, so it's not forced into the main game really, but again, it's cool it's there. Lastly there are also a LOT of triple-battles and rotation-battles scattered throughout all of the normal trainer-battles you fight. Given that there was like ONE of each in B/W, it's nice to see that B2/W2 actually tries to put them in the game more.

Verdict: Recommended. It's a good game for Pokemon fans, but perhaps not the best introductory game to the series given its difficulty. A very good follow-up to the original 5th gen though, and a good innovation on the traditional 3rd Pokemon game trope Nintendo likes to do so much. I know Ultra Sun/Moon won't be a sequel, but I hope they try new things in that one just like they did here :)

This is the last great pokemon game before the quality of the series nosedived and never recovered. It absolutely blows the previous game out of the water regarding the roster as well as story.
Talking of the story, this is undoubtedly the must mature well constructed story in pokemon games ever. Everyone from the rivals to the villians are well crafted and developed with care.
It is also the most challenging pokemon game along with platinum (thanks to cynthia ofcourse), providing a proper kick for people interested in pokemon battles.
This is the last great pokemon experience in my opinion and and as such totally worth a try so you can also sit here and wonder how the hell has pokemon failed to build on this excellent platform.