Reviews from

in the past

It reminded me of Hoshizora no Memoria except just replacing the astronomy theme with an all-girls Catholic theme. They both have similarly long common routes with good character development in it, the character routes had simple but good development as well, the romance in all routes were pretty good and both had this feel-good nature I wish more slice of life VNs had.

I don't want to compare the two too much but I just wanted to note that I felt a similar feel when reading them.

As for what I generally liked/disliked about the VN.

What I liked:

The Chapter format. Almost felt like I was watching a 26 episode omnibus format anime and it was easy to keep track of how far I actually was in a route.
Majority of the characters were at least fairly likable
Most of the comedy was good (especially Konomi and her hilarious misunderstandings)
Confessions and/or start of relationships actually start fairly early in routes which is nice.
As said above I thought the VN had a good balance of romance, comedy, slice of life, drama, character development and feel-good scenes
The setting and overall theme. There aren't too many anime/VNs that take place in a fancy Catholic High School (only other one I can think of Maria-sama ga Miteru anime). I liked the theme of that it's not always good to stick to your ways and it's good to be progressive. I also liked seeing Masaya and crew actually having to work to get the school body's approval. Harem protags don't always have the immediate charm for literally every girl.
As someone who's Catholic and has gone to Catholic elementary+middle+high school it was nice to see actual research done as far as referencing Bible Chapters and stuff. Surprised they didn't go to Church often though.
Most of the character oriented drama was actually pretty good, as long as there was no over the top moments.
Light-hearted series that don't force too much comedy are almost always a plus in my book.

What I was kinda iffy on:

The routes kind of had the same predictable structure: Feelings become a bit more obvious before the Track Meet, roughly around the Track Meet is when the couple gets together, H scenes, Hanging Out, Big Conflict around Chapter 21-24, Conflict solved by Chapter 25-26, possibly H scenes in between. Thankfully the characters and development were good enough to make up for it but I wish they were just a bit less predictable with how things played out (especially since the results of each event they try to raise Masaya's approval has almost the same results).
Some of the ways conflicts were fixed were in some of the most ridiculous cheesy ways. Some of them were done was amusing enough to make up for how over the top these moments were. A bit more... realism and not overly optimistic tone would have been nice.
Absolutely 0 bro characters. I guess I'm used to things like MajiKoi and KEY VNs where there is always at least that one bro character. Thankfully as said above most of the characters were likable enough to make up for this, but when even Masaya himself occasionally gets sad he has no real bros around you know something is wrong.
H-scenes. They weren't bad but none were particularly amazing.

What I didn't really like:

The headmistress but this seems like it was intentional. I feel like what she did/has done isn't quite enough to make me feel too bad for her in the few routes where her problems are addressed.
A little bit of the comedy wasn't so good. It was mostly the little tsundere hitting and scenes where girls get obviously jealous in a somewhat violent way. Thankfully they weren't TOO often (especially compared to other harem series)
Only 4 routes. I get they wanted to stick with the love triangle format (2 childhood love interests and 2 sisters) but Ruriko not getting a route is a big offender. Konomi kinda sorta but at least her and the other main girls not getting one makes a little more sense. Thankfully W Happiness came out in English so this flaw isn't so bad.

As for character opinions...

Major Character Opinions:

Masaya - Decent enough MC. Sometimes it was hard to tell how ignorant he was of the other's feelings or just pretending he didn't notice. Otherwise, likable enough but nothing special. I feel like he could have gotten just a bit more distinctive personality traits outside being modest and nice. Him actually being in shape was kinda cool though.
Rise - I was kinda sorta disappointed in Rise at the end but I still liked her. I thought within the first like 30 minutes or so in the VN when meeting her she would easily be my favorite since she was friendly but with cool progressive and take action type of personality. I thought that she didn't as much development as the rest of the main heroines. In fact, her sometimes taking part of unnecessary tsundere hitting was pretty lame so it kinda was almost like negative development at some points. That said I like her personality as a whole and she's definitely still likable.
Chiho - I liked Chiho quite a bit in her own route. Childhood friend romance is usually interesting to me (unless they just flat out suck) and the way they progressed it and talked about it in their own route was cool. Doing things like them competing in a track meet, and general interactions were nice. I also liked the little bit of drama done in Rise's route which to me was pretty realistic and wasn't just solved with over the top shenanigans. The problem I had was her outside her route and Rise's route. Outside the little development she got in the common route, I feel like she didn't particularly stick out as a character. All she ends up doing is just agreeing with everyone or having the occasional tsundere (hitting) moment. I guess her not really caring about the club as she feels like she could is brought up but not too often.
Ritsuko - I was actually kinda surprised how much I liked her. Usually the quiet/emotionless girl usually isn't the type of character I like a lot (but not necessarily dislike). However she felt more realistic than the usual type (most tend to just be the emotionless snarker or just almost never talking period). She almost felt like a mix of a shy girl and emotionless hard worker. I liked seeing the struggles she had with the expectations people had and her concern with her sister and mother. I thought she had pretty good development all throughout the common route and her route development was good too. She also ends up having decent roles in other routes.
Ayaka - She's a pretty fun character. I like her shift from only doing what she felt like to actually having a big role in helping things go along. Her tease-y personality is amusing too. Her route was solid.

Supporting Character Opinions:

Ruriko - As said earlier, it makes no sense that she had no route in the main VN. She's one of the few who was 100% supportive of Masaya in the beginning. Her innuendos were usually really funny but she calmed down a bit later on which I was kinda disappointed on.
Tamie - She was fun and her role is actually semi-important but unfortunately she doesn't appear/develop nearly as often as she should. I feel like W Happiness has the highest chances of improving her character even more in her route.
Marika - Especially with the development in the common route she has possibly even more potential to be better in her W Happiness route. Makes sense that she didn't have a main route though.
Mitsuki - Least favorite of the most recurring characters but at least the end of the common route made her at least not bad. I have no idea how they are going to make her route since she's the only one who showed almost no romantic interest in Masaya.
Konomi - Easily the most hilarious character in the game. Even after common route development (which was actually pretty good) she still provided excellent comedy with her crazy ideas and just the darndnest things she says period. I'm actually really excited for her W Happiness route since it seems like it has lots of potential to be a really fun main heroine.

My Overall Opinion:

A Solid VN that I don't regret finishing.

None of the routes or main characters were anything groundbreaking or amazing but they were all pretty good at least. I feel like almost everything it did was a least above average compared to the usual VN. Cutting down a bit on the over the top/overly optimistic methods to solving problems would have helped a bit.

Random Other Thoughts

I was taking random screenshots of random amusing moments but for some reason saying DO IT often stuck out more than it should have. I watched that Shia video way too much...

I like this quote I found on Steam:

"This game about all-girl's schools will do for gender segregation what Martin Luther King Jr did for racism, except a lot more efficiently."