Reviews from

in the past

Ragnarok DS is the type of game in which every review you could read becomes an obstacle to actually play it. The scores are, usually, very low so this could discourage you to try the game. So, ignoring this bad stimulus, I've casually tried it and, in a little time, I've caught myself addicted to it.

There were no part of the game in witch I was bored. The characters were not wrote that good, but the story is somehow interesting and even the grinding was not a problem. Of course, this game has its flaws such as revisiting the same dungeons or walking long paths until late game when the ''fast travel'' becomes available.

I've created great memories with this game. I've enjoyed doing quests and side-quests imagining the reputation of my guild growing and seeing the members evolving their classes. If you were or are a Ragnarok Online fan, give it a try. And, just like me, you'll start cherishing another title from this loved old franchise.

The story is OKish, but it gets really tedious after some time.
Might finish it someday, but eh, for now, its a drop.