Reviews from

in the past

The final level is the most BS thing ever

The game is bad, yeah. It looks awful, the audio sucks, the last level ramps up in insane difficulty. But its an ON RAILS LIGHT GUN I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT TIME CRISIS 2 game. I really appreciate the weird ass turn these devs did. It legit could have just been a copy paste action adventure but instead its an ON RAILS SHOOTER WITH STEALTH QTE MECHANICS.

It’s certainly not the worst game in the world (At least on PC), an ordinary arcade rail shooter, by the way, there are quite a few of them among modern games, the game registers all hits on opponents, there is variety in gameplay, do you want to know what a really bad shooter is? - Play "Secret Service". The main thing is that the game conveyed the atmosphere of the first film well and I even wanted to watch it after playtrough, and you can also play with a friend.

Ce jeu est sorti en 2014 ? vous êtes sûr ?
Je crois que c'était un virus et pas un jeu finalement

Plusy: nawet satysfakcjonująca rozgrywka, Rambo, solidne przerywniki
Minusy: fatalna jakość głosów, brzydka grafika, długość rozgrywki, problemy techniczne