Reviews from

in the past

A fun barebones fps, obviously improved by the modding community

will always come back to this game, hope they add actually multiplayer one day

A sandbox shooter with a bunch of steam workshop mods? It is fun, indeed. It's a shame that they don't have a multiplayer/online mode, but It's still early access

i liked it when mr. field said "THATS IT... YOURE GONNA FEEL MY RAVENFIELD" and then ravenfielded all over the red team

I remember when this game had an release. Nostalgia warped my vision.

not for low end pcs but its one of my favourite games of all time i can come back anytime and play it for hours on end(not including time taken for modding it)

Great fps game, really good platform for mods with a great modding community.

A game I will play in my free time

Real ones remember when this game was a free large-scale shooter with like two maps, really glad I stayed for this game to blossom into something amazing.

fun to fuck around with the endless community mods