Reviews from

in the past

The game has gotten a remaster that I just... didn't enjoy as much. I understand the lore that has gotten added in order to match with their sequel which I hope is a better game, but this time around the game was just not a fun experience to go through.

It has gotten patched now but there were no saves before, so you had to beat the game in one sitting, which it isn't a long game so it's fine but I really just preferred going through the game at my pace. It would also have an annoying pause menu bug where I couldn't get it off my screen no matter what, so I was forced to restart the game everytime, and back when there were no saves, this was a huge headache.

The gameplay also somehow has become more intensive on my system? I'm not sure how but it does struggle to reach 60 FPS now, which it was fine before the remaster. Then there's the obvious part which is that it's now paid, while I love the original game, and people who got the original game for free also get this remaster for free, but it's just not something I'd recommend. They do still patch it and I hope they iron out all the issues that exist in this remaster, because as it is, the original 2016 version is the superior one.

I'm not sure I'd recommend buying it as it is now, if it were still a free game I'd definitely recommend you that or if it were even the previous game itself, but since its now bundled with the remaster you cant even play the free version for free as you now have to buy the game to get access to both versions.

Speedrun puzle el juego, sin mas es solo para eso. Le falta pulir pero es muy buen jogo