Reviews from

in the past

My second PS3 game.
Really fun to play, has a unique gameplay that combines a turn-based combat with action and firearms... ACROBATIC GUN COMBAT FUCK YEAH
The story is entertaining and has a touch of jokes and fun.
And Vashyron is the best, remember his dance when he saw some big boobs....

One of the strangest yet most legitimately interesting and unique RPGs I've ever played despite bouncing off of it very hard very quickly when I first tried playing it. I dropped the game for over a year before finally pushing through to an unforgettable RPG.

7th gen is the awkward adolescent phase of japanese studios transitioning into the "HD" era and i think this is one of the best distillations of that entire trasnition

super unique and fun gameplay

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a 21 years old Leane is falling in love with a 17 years old Zypher and daddy Vashyron is having none of it

super unique jrpg it does suffer though from ps3 Xbox 360 era of grey but the world still looks nice and interesting I just can't say i love the combat personally

Very unique RPG with slice of life approach to story telling and complicated-at-first, kind of turn based, action gun gameplay. Interesting characters and setting.

Just going through story and sidequests, it's a very good game that I'm happy I finally took the time to go through. RPG can be so many things and this feels really fresh in that aspect.

Completing the Arena 100% however is one of the most tedious and pointless things I've ever done. Don't do that and other trophy objectives if you don't come by them naturally, it will make the overall impression of this game a lot worse.

I don't remember everything but at least the gameplay was fun

One of the greatest combat systems in a JRPG I've played. The story and characters were irrelevant honestly, the combat alone is enough to carry this game for me.

One of the most fascinating games of ps360 era.
Minimalist yet engaging storytelling; the world conveyed through 50 shades of brown yet still one of the most visually interesting settings you'd lay your eyes upon back in 2010; both convoluted and incredibly simple combat system with an entirely skippable tutorial that makes for purely visceral gun-fu jumping in the air 10 meters juggling giant robots and then slamming them into ground repeatedly experience that never fails to entertain once you get it right; the most insane weapon customization system in videogaming; all of which makes for a game that holds a very special place in my heart.

Amusing to note: I've yet to see a gameplay video on the internet that actually used the tri-attack system to its full extent (just stack 10 points and run in circles for three minutes, it's that shrimple, yet nobody does it)

There was a point while playing this game that I thought it was the greatest game of all time. The middle section is so strong. It's right when you've figured out the gameplay (which is unnecessarily complicated but very enjoyable) and the story chapters are these absurd one off slice of life little episodes that barely advance the main plot. One of them has your party split up and unknowingly take opposite sides on a kidnap/bodyguard mission. When the game wants to be funny it's genuinely a laugh out loud experience. You've got two melodramatic teens and Vashyron who can't help but take the piss out of them constantly. The line deliveries, choreography, and voice acting are all on point. Just look up some of the cut scenes from this game, they are hilarious. Most of the game is like this and it is oozing with charisma. I think I finished the first 14 chapters in about 2 months, but once the melodramatic characters took the narrative focus for the last couple chapters it became a huge slog. The last 2 or 3 chapters took me about a year to find the motivation to play through. It was such a low note to go out on and the 4 stars feel unjustifiable but while the lows are low the highs were high. I am happy to be done with the game so I can start reflecting on it fondly.


The games got good hang out vibes. It's all in one area, you can buy lots of clothes, the episodic narrative structure, the characters are always saying little one liners in battle. I don't think Zephyr and Leanne needed these grand narrative conclusions or answers. Just give me fifty missions of them turning the city power back on. I liked that mission.