Reviews from

in the past

Love this game so much. It is oozing with charm and the rhythm minigames are mostly all enjoyable. Highly recommend for any rhythm game lovers.

And you know what they call a quarter pounder in France? Rhythm Paradise.

mon piège dans saw serait de rejouer au jeu des moaïs

I'm so ass cheeks at this gamd bro it's so fucking embarrassing

The only Rhythm Heaven game I own legally. Very fun and creative.

Escuchar la mejor cancion del mundo (Struck by the rain) en las bocinas jodidas del 3DS >>>>

Rhythm Heaven is one of those games that is easy to learn, hard to master. The game is played with the DS/3DS on its side like a book. You tap or flick on the bottom screen and complete the game’s many rhythm minigames. Do not let the quirky or cutesy style fool you, it is more difficult than you think. I love rhythm games, but even I had problems getting through this.

Call it “skill issue”, but some stages were hard. Munchy Monk, Freeze Frame, Lockstep, the many remixes, to name a few. I admit that I skipped some stages because I could not beat them. If you fail a stage 3 times, the cafe will let you skip them.

Once I got to the credits after Remix 6, I stopped there. I know there are more stages after that, but I think I am done.

Rhythm Heaven is still a good game, but it is not for everyone.

the group Canary Club did a live version of Fan Club at a concert, where they sang the song and the audience did the "hey hey hey hey" monkey claps. they were performing the first mix, but if you watch the video and turn the volume up, you can just make out the handful of people in the crowd doing the "ooohhhh hey hey" from Fan Club 2.

my sweet sweet child how I love this game


Ridiculously fun. Its selection of games is really good, in my opinion; I really enjoy most of them. You’re telling me it was Lockstep AND Love Lizards AND DJ School AND Remixes 8 and 9? I could add more but then it would just end up a list consisting of 3/4 of the game.

The sequel to the (Japan only) GBA cult classic. Made by the people behind the WarioWare series. Basically a bunch of quirky, rhythm based minigames. Highly addictive with some great music.

I had a Perfect on almost every game. Truly one of my proudest gaming achievements

One of the greatest introductions to rhythm games out there, the start of a fantastic series, and just an overall great game
My only complaint is The Dazzles 2, it's the same exact gameplay as the first one, even down to the timing being identical, when you easily could've given a sequel to a stage that didn't get one like Love Lab or Dog Ninja

I love rhythm heaven! Simple rhythm minigames with catchy music and great character. It's not for everyone but I dont care, play it.

Ok now, this entry. This was my first time playing the ds one after megamix. It was fun, though the flicking was annoying sometimes. And this one does not have the best selection of minigames, yes there are good ones, bu also meh ones. Well, it's rhythm heaven, idk what else to say. PLAY IT, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Either this one or the wii entry I don't care


Amazing rhythm game. Perfect way of teaching basic rhythmic skills to amateurs as well as a fun game to perfect.

soy tan malo q da vergüenza. buen juego igual

I was so pleasantly surprised by this game!

The only experience I'd had with the series previously was Rhythm Heaven Fever for the Wii and I enjoyed it enough, but I wasn't sure how the series' worldwide debut would compare.

As a Rhythm game there are really two critical elements that need to be nailed for a satisfying experience: the music needs to be good and the controls need to be responsive enough that losing feels fair. Needless to say, Nintendo SPD nailed both. The tracks in the game vary in terms of how fleshed out the music is, but I always found them catchy and it was always easy to understand what beats the game wanted me to hit. This was in no small part due to the call-and-response style that the game sticks with throughout its run time. The controls are simple and responsive: tap the touch screen and/or flick it depending on the action required. I never felt like my inputs were missed or registered without me touching the screen.

With the fundamentals out of the way, why else do I love this game so much? For one, the game has a sense of absurd humor that pervades everything from the characters (the chorus boys are by no means the wackiest cast members) to the game over screens. Visually, the game is also stunning: all of the pixel art is crisp and the polygonal elements are used sparingly. Once you've explored the rest of the game, there's side content that's pretty engaging but is obviously meant as a distraction.

Something worth mentioning is that the DS is held on its side, like a book, for the entirety of the game. Some games adopted this as a gimmick but I feel like it genuinely enhances the experience of the game here by making the flicking motion much less restricted.

This game also deals with difficulty in a fascinating way. After playing for a certain length of time, a level you've previously beaten is highlighted and you're incentivized to shoot for a perfect score on it. However, the catch is that you only get 3 tries after which another level gets highlighted. This ups the stakes when you're going for completion and de-incentivizes grinding a particular level until you happen to get one perfect run by chance.

Anyone who has a DS owes it to themself to give this game a go. If you're into rhythm games or love the absurdist humor of the Wario Ware series you have even more reason to check this gem out.

✔ Reboza cariño y originalidad.
ⓘ Las sesiones de juego son intensas.
╳ El sobreesfuerzo en la muñeca puede llegar a hacerte daño.

A classic DS title that I'll never get tired of. Remix 8 is nuts and I love it.

Right before the pandemic I got a 2DS XL. Soon after I went to a pawn shop and found a loose cart of this for $5. It had some light chew marks on it. Whether from a child or a pet I'm not sure, but it worked perfectly! I enjoyed my time with it, but for some reason it wasn't a game that I picked up often. I sold the cart eventually when I decided to not keep loose carts anymore.

The DS is such a brilliant console when you take advantage of its functionalities man. Every game is so simple yet extremely unique and addictive. I wish I had played this when I was younger. Feels like it might have been a formative experience. Not to mention the added bonus of developing better rhythm.

Diversão rítmica.
Algumas músicas são estressantes/chatas?
Mas não deixa de ter outras extremamente ótimas e com um charme excelente.

Puto love lizards odio love lizards lo considero el minijuego inferior
De resto OBRA DE ARTE 20/10 AHHH
Amo este juego amo la música amo su gameplay me parece de los juegos más creativos de la DS y se disfruta mucho en una de esas consolas es un juego muy divertido con una mecánica bastante buena de tirar, los remixes son buenos y sus extras son divertidos
Lo único malo es como ciertos minijuegos pasar en Superb es muy difícil, lo que hace que el Remix 10 siquiera tener la medalla es una experiencia, horrible (pto love lizards)

the first Rhythm Heaven game i played and the one of the first games i bought with my own cash. i always really liked the vertical screen approach with the touch and flick controls, it's really satisfying for most of the games and there's rarely misses when it comes to the stage selection. it also oozes artistic and musical charm as usual and might be the hardest of the series

It's a bit better than Rhythm Heaven on GBA, but this is one of the few games where I don't care for the touch controls. It's funny given I love Theatrhythm, but that game felt better designed for them, this game is very finicky with them and it's a lot harder as a result. Rhythm Heaven just works better with normal button controls.