Reviews from

in the past

A very simple game about “roll your ball into the fortress as hard as you can and as fast as you can.” At the same time, giving in one gameplay the process of protecting your fortress in the form of tower defense, maximally weakening someone else's stone ball. Crazy, fun, and the freaking mini cutscenes make this game a thousand times more fun.

Очень простая игра про "закати свой шар в крепость покрепче и со всей скоростью". При этом давая в одном игровом процессе процесс защиты своей крепость в виде tower defense, максимально ослабляя чужой каменный шар. Безумно, весело, а долбанутые мини катсцены, делают эту игру еще в тысячу раз веселее.

The most obvious quality of this quaint tower defense game is the irreverent, Monty-Python-style humor that pervades every inch of its presentation side. This makes playing Rock of Ages a real joy, but is helped by the fact that, for a tower defense game, there is a surprising amount of user input in controlling the titular boulder besides setting up defenses (ala Iron Brigade). This makes the gameplay side of the title quite tolerable if you're not really into the genre like myself.

Great concept, just fell off of it.

cute funny game that i suck at

De tempos em tempos sempre rejogando essa maravilha.

It's aight, tower defense x marble madness lol

I think I got this game from humble bundle many many years ago and I thought it was really funny until (like many physics based puzzle games) it got way too hard to derive enjoyment out of

I used to play a similar game called "Tyre Breaks Leg" which was functionally the same as this game just replace boulders with tyres and doors with legs.

Rolling Stones by měli radost aneb monty pythonovsky stylizované „tower defense naruby“ válení kamenů napříč věky… A ač to při zběžném pohledu vypadá pouze jako blbina „na jedno použití“ za účelem ukrácení času o obědové pauze, tak to obsahuje až překvapivě komplexní a především zábavné mechaniky, které vynikají jak ve hře pro jednoho tak i více hráčů čili to ve výsledku dokáže (nejen) svou střihlou bizarností zabavit na pěkně dlouho.

Fun, but if I ever get the urge to play again, it will probably be one of the more fleshed out sequels.

In my scale, a 2 means I regret playing it. The only reason I regret playing it is that once I found the cutscene I liked, there's been literally no reason to ever re-install it, and because I bought this game for the funny cutscenes because I was a dumbass, there's two more of these things, and I feel some responsibility there.