Reviews from

in the past

While it has nice music and lovely sprite-work, it is let down by Controls that are imprecise (in spite of segments basically demanding such a thing), a worthless health bar, and incredibly unfair difficulty.

Can't remember much, except some dancing green dudes on the title screen. Also, platforming was difficult.

This game feels a lot like a precursor to many Sega Genesis platformers, but I can't quite explain why. Overall pretty good, with some really nice attention to detail on the animations. The henchmen are comically stupid looking, like a fusion of medieval peasants and early comics goons.

The average rating for this title on here is absurd. This was absolutely revolutionary for the genre. Plus the music absolutely whips.

It's wild how 'Atari' this thing looks, and how much better things would get on the Genesis.

Nice game but with a level of difficulty very high, specially because of limited amount of bullets and short time to finish each stage. To kill the last big boss you need the gunmachine, if you do not have it it is impossible to kill it.

Top 10 Most Worthless Inventions in History

#3: Solar-powered flashlight
#2: Diet water
#1: The health bar in "Rolling Thunder"

I actually liked this game a little bit yeah its not great but it is alright.

Fucking miserable. The first stage is alright i guess, thats all i can say about this piece of dogshit. Second loop is impossible without save states.

(NES version)
Another classic from Namco. The graphics and music are quite memorable, the controls are smooth (aside from the jump), and the gameplay in general is very fun. Albeit I do feel it relies somewhat on trial & error + enemies suddenly popping out.