Reviews from

in the past

classic and terrifying. Invented anxiety

A perfect example of why tank controls are important for games with fixed camera angles. An RE take on Scooby-Doo is cute though, and I liked the attempt.😂
It is pretty short and very linear, also full of mazes to confuse you. Scooby-Doo unfortunately loved to get in the way too.
The monsters are also surprisingly quick. Felt like a mismatch for the pacing.

Better than the Gameboy Color version though👍

It's surprising how much it feels like you're actually playing through a classic Scooby Doo episode. You can tell a lot of care was given to make the whole vibe feel very genuine to the show. Found myself bumbling around in the dark as Shaggy, getting scared and chased, running through rooms, accidentally luring the guy chasing me into a slippery puddle, making him slide into the wall and stunning him. Wasn't expecting some genuinely tense chase sequences spanning multiple rooms in an N64 Scooby Doo game and I'm not sure what more I could ask.

Very simple and short but I think that's to its benefit. It's got enough charm on display to last its 4 short episodes. Episode 3 is the weakest one, it's got a lot of empty space where nothing happens. And it overall feels pretty half-baked compared to the other 3. Otherwise the only complaints I could have is that the controls are on the jank side. It's got both tank and non tank controls available, but neither feel quite right. The problem with the non-tank controls is more that the fixed camera snaps very frequently. Felt a bit sloppy with just how many angles they'd give you for even small rooms at times. Tank would be the optimal choice because of this, and normally I have NO issue with tank controls, but the game really wasn't designed around them. But it's nothing I couldn't handle, if anything it just made the chases more tense.

You get to see Shaggy's jaw unhinge in the eating minigame so that's worth a few points. Always been weirdly keen on the idea of a Resident Evil style Scooby Doo game, only to find out it actually existed and isn't bad at all. Clue finding and puzzle solving fit perfect with the style and capping it off with an emphasis on chases is a lot of fun.

Also I'm really struggling to decide on a concrete star rating between 3 1/2 vs. 4. Been sitting here thinking about it for about 10 full minutes now. This is going to keep me up at night.

Joguei esse numa lan house a primeira vez, e o controle gigante me deixou confuso, não sabia fazer as primeiras coisas de pegar e usar itens, e meu pai zero à esquerda pra jogos do meu lado não ia ajudar

Anos depois joguei do jeito certo até o fim, usando detonado de uma revista da Nintendo Power, amava elas.
Não é um jogo ruim, é Resident Evil para crianças, com a câmera travada em pontos específicos e você tendo que encontrar elementos no cenário que ajudem na resolução do mistério da fase. Alguns elementos gráficos podiam ter sido melhor trabalhados, porém, se limitando apenas a JPEGs jogados na tela.
Não diria pra ir correndo pegar um 64 e jogar isso, mas se quiser também, vai fundo

muito superior à versão de GBC, divertido demais, mas a câmera do jogo quebra muito. com o tempo acostuma, mas enfim, game ultrapassado de 64. recomendo, ainda assim.

actually really charming and simple, too bad it's a bit short. really feels like a genuine scooby-doo movie. half a point subtracted cuz scooby gets in the damn way the entire time you're getting chased and is the true villian of the game

Não jogue este jogo sozinho ou sua mente vai começar a te causar confusão profunda...
Jogo pra jogar quando não tem nada pra fazer, não jogue em hipótese alguma no domingo.

Surely the best thing about this game is that it respects and looks a lot like the original design, and that helped the game a lot because it was extremely charismatic and also very charming...

Another choice that I found interesting was that they used the gameplay of the classic Resident Evil saga as inspiration, it turned out curiously good. By the way, the soundtrack is a show apart too, I recommend it.