Reviews from

in the past

no multiplayer ranked support lol

Played from – to: (2024-01-07 – 2024-01-17) – PC controller.
‣ 8/10 – Smash my ass battle pass.

‣ Thoughts: Alright… this might be the best mobile game I’ve ever played. It has a lot of microtransactions, and borderline pay to win features. However, none of them are aggressive enough to make nobodies who pay half of their allowance beat you in a skill fight.

I am surprised to notice that almost all legends feel fair and have their counters. Only a few come to mind as unfair S tier characters. For the most part, every legend I picked was fun to play and enjoyable. They all have unique abilities, and none feel the same. But there is the question of depth. Since all legends have only 2 abilities aside from the basic attacks the game can feel simple and shallow, but that does not mean it is not addictive and fun.

Smash Legends as the name suggests involves something similar to Smash Bros. Your objective is to knock an opponent off the map and score points. Most game modes are simple but offer enough variety to keep you engaged for hours. Sadly, you can’t really play the game for hours because there are plenty of stopping measures. For example, you can only earn 1000 credits per day from playing anything. Your legends have an experience cap and do not net you rewards once you master them. Tasks that give you bonus rewards are all locked behind ads and finite battle passes etc. All this to say, Smash Legends is one of the most addictive arena multiplayer fighters I’ve played in years, but they have like 5 barriers stopping me from continuously playing throughout my day. Not to say I don’t, but at a certain point winning isn’t rewarding at all.

Lastly, I would like to mention the worst part of this game and that is ranked. It is only available at a certain time of day, which to me is late evening. Secondly, it is only one game mode, and it is perhaps the worst one. There are 8 maps, but somehow the game rolls the worst one with a 75% success rate. And finally, the respawn timers are so quick, most games drag out until the time runs out instead of the dominating team winning quickly.

All in all, Smash Legends is a fun and crazy mobile game that you can play on any platform and still have a chance. It is riddled with paid content, but there is a lot of meat to enjoy for free without any restrictions. I am just surprised it is this good.

alice peak character the goat

Feels too unfair in a lot of parts, and devs are getting the game worse with every single update.