Reviews from

in the past

haven't been on here in a while, played and beat a lot of games since my last review, and i'm excited to eventually get back to reviewing/rating everything on my profile as well as potentially revising existing ones. i think the main reason i haven't used this platform as much as i used to is because this thing doesn't have a mobile app. i'd go bonkers on here again if it did, and i think it would probably get more eyes on this platform than it currently has, which is like maybe seven. i know it's a small team over there but i really want to see this succeed! in the sea of quite a few "letterboxd but for Evil Gamers" websites this one stands above the rest as one that doesn't suck complete ass. i like having a platform where i'm able to succinctly talk about games while also goin crazy over them if need be. helps to sort my thoughts and appreciate what i'm reviewing more. i also like that people read and sometimes like them that's nice. oh yeah also this game is fucking awesome

Sonic 3 is incredible (even though it got understandably ratio'd by Mania), and Sonic and Knuckles is a big wet fart of a second half, but overall yeah it's good and stuff

i don’t use the word peak lightly but,,, what can i say

A few "what the hell do I do here" moments--usually the fault of being stuck somewhere where the only way out is a mechanic you haven't been taught but are expected to figure out on your own--and the removal of Ice Cap Zone's iconic soundtrack are the only things I can even imagine complaining about here. On the other hand, the Origins release of Sonic 3 & Knuckles fixes the glaring lives problem of the Genesis Sonic games on top of rebuilding the game engine to allow for proper widescreen gameplay. This all but eliminates any of the quibbles I had with platforming in classic Sonic. The balance in this release is tipped well in favor of fun over frustration.

While it's hard not to compare the shiny new Origins versions of these games with the near-flawless Sonic Mania, the coherent narrative and flow between levels help to make up the difference. A greater serving of personality is a fine tradeoff for Mania's meticulous polish. With the improvements Sonic Origins adds, it makes Sonic 3 & Knuckles a serious contender for the best Sonic game.

The blue spheres mini game is my fatal weakness. I must have found a couple dozen rings in my playthrough, but only ever got three Chaos Emeralds.

One of the best 2D platformers of all time!

The best of the original four games. While I don’t like some levels, like Sandopolis, the level designs are the most refined compared to the others. Likewise, the graphics are absolutely stunning and a quite noticeable improvement over 2. The elemental shields give Sonic his own unique abilities to compensate for the other characters expanded movesets.

Now onto Sonic fo… Oh no.

Melhor Sonic dessa trilogia clássica.

despite its musical changes, it is still the best Sonic game ever made. i played through the whole thing as Amy this time around and its a blast. the widescreen and removal of lives almost make this the definitive way to play