Reviews from

in the past

This was made for fancier phones, but still pre-iOS and Android. While the touch controls are atrocious, this luckily also works with buttons – so turn of the on-screen joystick and use the buttons instead.

This has much nicer graphics than the button version (including some lovely backgrounds), plus more stages. The gameplay is still heavily inspired by Sonic Rush, it’s just a bit clunkier. The levels themselves are really nice, too, with multiple routes and some interesting gimmicks. Some sections are pretty annoying as the controls aren’t as precise as they should be, but for the most part, they’re good.

This time round the Werehog has more than one enemy type to beat, plus boss fights against Robotnik. He also has multiple moves, including a combo that destroys most enemies in one hit. The platforming can again feel a bit broken, but they’re still decent levels overall.

It would have been nice to see something like this on the DS, with a bit more polish (and a few more levels), it could have been a good Sonic game.

Eso de que medio juego mola porque es sonic y el otro no tanto porque es kratos furro mal

Joguei no xbox 360 por isso o 3.0

It's Unleashed on Java phones! It's more competent than it looks! And yet, also as flimsy as it looks. Some for real complaints: hate how your jump is locked in the air, the level design really loves to dunk you into hazardous/water filled lower paths, and I can hardly say anything about the Werehog sections outside of how many times I pressed the attack button.

Overall, it's a funny curiosity you'll forget about as quickly as you beat it. It's a Sonic Rush rough draft slapped on a phone. Neat, but yeah. Those Rush games are real gems in hindsight.