Reviews from

in the past

Despite its realistic and tactical gameplay, isn't for everyone—myself included.

The learning curve is incredibly steep, requiring significant time and patience to master. The game demands precise teamwork and communication, which can be a barrier for those looking for a more casual experience.

Additionally, its sometimes clunky interface and occasional bugs, which further detract from the enjoyment. While it has a dedicated fanbase, "Squad" just isn't my cup of tea due to these issues.

Clunky but the mechanics make the gunfights feel so intense and real. The community also make this game awesome.

Cool game but cringy awful manchild tacticool LARPer community. The game depends on relying on the community.

No game will ever mimic the feeling of watching the person you've been talking to nonstop for 20 minutes get gunned down by a BTR you had no chance against

The immersion levels on this bitch are so intense and epic mode, firefights feel hectic and dangerous, the adrenaline rushes and funny moments with the voice chat, make this game such a blast... at times.

The downside is that this game is not very user friendly and getting into a server that is decent, with all your friends to then be in an engaging squad that doesn't take everything too seriously, is a rarity. Also, these games last like 2 HOURS SOMETIMES! Ain't nobody got time for dat.

But yeah, fun for what it is, had some great times. Just a bit meandering and time consuming when it wants to be.

in complete contrast to hell let loose, this game sometimes has way more communication than it needs, specially from mfs who think they're in the military instead of a game

that said im a fan of being verbally abused by frustrated 40 year olds pretending to be war generals

I like playing the game with my friends that know what they're doing but playing with randoms is honestly a chore. I also can't see shit in this game but that's kinda the point I suppose.

only fun with friends otherwise you just run across half the map for 30 minutes to get sniped by somebody you cant even see

A surprisingly engaging team strategy experience that doesn't suffer from the horrendous bloat of other mil-sims

Squad offers a unique take on the team based tactical fps by expanding it to a 50v50 teamwork based tactical shooter with a logistics system as the backbone. The combat can be a real run a gun feel sometimes for a tactical shooter which loses some points for me but they are currently testing new mechanics that make it feel slower and more tactical. Currently 3/5

So much fun if you can find a squad that actually uses teamwork if not it’s really boring

community has gotten worse overtime

Fun but sadly a tad bit too serious at times..

Used to be so much better like 6 years ago. Moronic updates and people tryna play like its Battlefield ruined it... SAD!!

I have never actually played this game unmodded but Galactic Contention Rules.

This game scratches my itches as a gamer.

A game with great potential for co-operation and communication with a large array of map and logistics opportunities and interesting objectives is ruined utterly by a reliance on a terrible first-person shooting mechanic, with sudden unpredictable deaths and fast unsatisfying kills. If this game were a sword fighting game or a construction company simulator it would be unfathomably improved.

zombie mod on this is 🔥

This game actually for the first time in my life, gave me anxiety about guns and being on the battlefield. Legit is too realistic for my heart lol...

its nowhere near as good as Post Scriptum but it actually receives updates and has a dev team working on it. Plus the new combat update overhauls the game in the right ways. I hope we may one day get full proximity chat allowing both team and enemies to hear. Also more maps like Fallujuh, its easily the best map in the game

The Galactic Contention mod will turn Squad into the best pvp star wars game but unfortunately few people use their mics in my experience

Ehhh MM it's ok... (with friends)

Not recommending this based on my own opinions. Overall the game isn't kind to new players ( I thought ) and chucks you into the deep end, It's multiplayer only and majority of people are really serious about it. Quite a niche game and I feel very few would enjoy it. Graphics are good, Voice in game works well and Gameplay seems pretty smooth though. Reminds me of a more strategical Arma game