Reviews from

in the past

Impresses with its stunning graphics and meticulous attention to detail, faithfully capturing the essence of the established universe. However, the game could benefit from more variety in gameplay, as the repetitive missions can make it feel monotonous over time.

[European Portuguese - Windows PC/STEAM - Dated 28/06/2022]

"Para ser honesto Starship Troopers: Terran Command não é um jogo mau, mas sim apenas medíocre, juntando-se à lista de outros títulos que bebem e respiram esta propriedade, mas sem conseguir fazer jus ao nome. Percebe-se que poderia estar um bom RTS aqui, mas as várias questões levantadas pela análise fora impedem-no de ser algo maior e melhor (não existe multiplayer também!). Se és um autêntico fã da saga e tudo que a engloba és capaz de encontrar algum divertimento aqui, outrora aconselho esperar pela próxima tentativa."

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Its a giant cash grab on a loyal fanbase
[I quit at mission 14 of 18 - took 9 hours on hard]

No co-op/mp or skirmish. They either don't have the coding knowledge or chose not to add it.

The pathfinding sucks mixed with your units not knowing how to move and shoot.

Scorpions are severely overpowered. You have bug hives to take out which means napoleon firing formations.. they spawn every 3-5 seconds and in some missions might be 3-5 hives in one spot.. they one-two hit your troops with a laser every 3-5 seconds.

Marauders the big walking mechs are legit swiss cheese for any special unit they do legit so little damage it takes forever to win even with 3 of them. They should of had mortar upgrades or abilities considering so many of the bugs have mortars.

Theres no real base building its basically dawn of war 3..

It might be fun for 5-10$ but for 20-30$ no pass hard on this game.