Reviews from

in the past

every patch that "nerfed" anti-air crouch jab made anti-air crouch jab stronger. six straight years of that shit, just a stunning accomplishment.

Has the best version of Alex in the series so it gets 4 Stars from me.

Crashed every 15 minutes and after unlocking Akuma he felt like shit to play compared to every other SF, thanks Capcom.

Yea, maybe I was too harsh on this.

Conserteza o pior street fighter já feito, é assustador o quão esse jogo poderia ser bom mas foi completamente estragado e no final com todas as atualizações dele o jogo só ficou beirando ao medíocre

Jogo é maravilhoso, mas eu larguei mão pq eu não consigo me adaptar de jeito nenhum nesse jogo.. KKKKKKK mas o jogo vale super a pena blz? Quem é fã baixa sem medo pq o jogo tá filé, me diverti bastante mas dropei por não me adaptar mesmo


Joguei em 2020 quando ficou de graça durante o final de semana, e olha, nem sei como que meu PC não explodiu KKKKKKKKKKKK Joguei umas 5 lutas, meio travando? Sim, mas foi jogável. Legal até.

i mean, i guess it's good? this game didn't really click with me despite liking aspects of it.

One of the most buggy and incomplete street fighter games I've ever played, it does so much wrong that there is just no way I can recommend it especially with 6 out, this needed a cyberpunk level update to be good and it didn't get that.

garbage netcode, story is okay, game started to get good on its final years. Like genuinely what happened to this game in development, only reason I come back is for the costumes, and that only happens once a year

Hey there, everybody. It's Ryu, from streets. Did you know? My favorite things are... jumping into late fierce, stale bread, water without any ice, the newest season of The Simpsons, aaaand Dirt. See you in street fighter five, everybody.

More seriously, game's aight, I play-a da mayor guy.

judging by the end of this game, really good at the end

Juego increible = producto de mierda

Always a fan of the art style of this game. I wasn't an early adopter so I don't know that pain, but I do know playing near the middle of its life-span was a joy. Still capcom puts too many microtransactions in their game.

Esse jogo foi o responsável por me fazer pensar que o gênero de jogos de luta não era para mim, ele era tão complexo que eu achava impossivel dominar de uma forma decente os combos.

It stumbled a lot on the beggining, but by the end of it's lifetime it was a pretty solid game

Fun fighting game, i really enjoyed playing it, but unlocking characters becomes too difficult and requires too much time, sadly online is pretty dead nowadays since sf6 is up ( this games artstyle and 3d models are PEAK )

joguei bastante no 3ds e no pc do meu amigo

mickey mouse game also created luke, low tier god rage compilations are the only reason this smelly thing isn’t a 0.5


I bought the RE costume for Cammy so she wouldn't catch a cold

Definitely a game with good intentions but rolled in a very bad execution like Fight Money farming to unlock characters or the ranking system (Bronze / Super Bronze / Ultra Bronze - and it goes like that for every tier until Warlord, the highest of all)

If we take that the game is also kinda.. yeah kinda ugly, it's one of the worst Street Fighters in my opinion

But I'm having fun on it playing Gill modded as Kars and Urien modded as Mewtwo so it's all good

all these luke players ruining the game this shit fucking sucks bro

How do you make SF4 and then fumble this badly LOL

Vega muito chad! mas eu nao sei jogar