Reviews from

in the past

What a mixed bag. Street Hoop looks and sounds better than most 90s sports games, the sprite work is particularly good. Unfortunately, the game is incredibly basic, like a lite version of NBA Jam. You only have two buttons, pass/steal and shoot/block. There's no turbo, no dribble moves. Like most arcade games, the AI doesn't always feel fair and the game is designed to get more of your quarters.

With some tweaks, this could have been a classic retro sports game. As it stands, it's just kind of cool to look at for a bit before you move on to something with better gameplay.

Típico juego malo que jugaría tu padre borracho en el bar de la esquina pero actually, este es un buen videojuego.

Isso aqui num fliperama deve ser foda demais. Joguinho bom, mecânicas simples e divertidas. Nao esperava que fosse um jogo tão completo.