Reviews from

in the past

I played this game with my boyfriend years ago we gaslighted ourselves into thinking it was actually funny because we paid money for it it was a miserable experience

obrigado meu grande amigo Richard, agora eu sou PhD em mulheres e tenho 28 acusações de assédio no meu nome

Nobody wanted a revival of terrible 90's FMV Sega CD games with commentary in-game by a "pickup artist".

Functionally works as a game, but it comes from an outdated, dead genre that wasn't any good to begin with.

bought it for the bit and still haven't gotten past the second level because i need to take a breather every time i open it.

Depois q joguei esse jogo n consigo para de pegar mulheres, pqp alguém me ajuda pls

en kaliteli oyun bunu oynadıktan sonra kadınlarla konuşmanız imkansız.

To be honest, its pretty boring but I did learn a thing or two

Obviously I downloaded it to play on a discord call, to just take a few laughs with my friends, and it worked. I thought it would be worse, cause there are some "show her your dick" options, but the guy comes after and say "plz, that's a crime, don't do that" so that's positive.

Clearly I won't be using any of it:

1 - this guy is a mental, most of the "correct" options don't make any sense
2 - I'm a latino, things here work differently
3 - I already have a girlfriend

I'd give some stars more, cause it was fun, there are some non-sense conversations like spoiler the girl's book, say she's a killer for not being vegan and saying she's a communist cause she's learning russian. However, there were "correct options" that were really sexist, xenophobe and sexual harrasment, and that's not cool, even in a meme game.

"Women like men more intelligent than her" d u d e

This is about 13 dollars on steam, I wouldn't recommend you to buy it not even for a single dollar.

Not gonna lie, this game was hilarious despite its obvious shortcomings.

First and foremost the whole PUA shtick is just super lame at best and calculated/misogynistic at worst. Even if you accept this game is made for awkward men to pick up women, advice like "angle a girl away from her friend so it makes her less likely to bail on you" comes off as very predatory.

That said some of the options are super funny, and the game is shockingly vulgar at times. It's fun trying out the cringe options and watching the PUA fail.

Also the acting is pretty decent throughout - bar a few dodgy performances most of it comes off as quite natural.

Technically it's kind of a mess, though - dialogue often cuts off early and I had like 4 crashes on a 3-hour playthrough.

This is a guilty pleasure for sure.

насправді секрет цієї гри в тому щоб робити все рівно навпаки! я сигма, тому я за те щоб трахати вазони під час ділової зустрічі