Reviews from

in the past

No information when playing on mobile. Way too much information on the PC client. Impossible to keep track of. It's fine. More interesting meta than Underlords. But still not be sent as pretty or as fun as Underlords

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Las primeras temporadas fueron las mejores, pero juego muy entretenido

Set 11 ha sido volver a encontrarme con lo que mas me gusta de este juego despues de un par de sets con problemas para adaptarme a sus mecanicas, esta vez muchisimo mejor, mucho mas comodo en mi playstyle y disfrutandolo mucho.

Eu acho isso aqui o pico da genialidade da riot, dou essa nota por ser tão bom e gostoso de jogar, é um dos melhores jogos de estratégia que já joguei

Oyun LoLden çok farklı lol karakterleriyle satranç oynuyorsun gibi bir hava var büyük strateji getektiriyor riotun başarılı olduğu bir oyun daha

Set 10 was peak but overall gameplay is great

I've played since set 1 so here's my definitive ranking of the sets thus far (set 11)
1. Gizmos & Gadgets (Set 6) [Master]
2. Fates (Set 4) [Diamond IV]
3. Dragonlands (Set 7) [Master]
4. Festival of Beasts (Set 4.5) [Master]
5. Galaxies (Set 3) [Diamond IV]
6. Return to the Stars (Set 3.5) [Diamond IV]
7. Monsters Attack! (Set 8) [Diamond II]
8. Glitched Out! (Set 8.5) [Master]
9. Inkborn Fables (Set 11) [TBD]
10. Neon Nights (Set 6.5) [Diamond II]
11. Beta Set (Set 1) [Platinum I]
12. Remix Rumble (Set 10) [Master]
13. Dawn of Heroes (Set 5.5) [Master]
14. Horizonbound (Set 9.5) [Master]
15. Uncharted Realms (Set 7.5)
16. Reforged (Set 9) [Diamond III]
17. Reckoning (Set 5) [Diamond IV]
18. Rise of the Elements (Set 2) [Platinum III]

1-13 my average enjoyment is probably about a 8.5/10
14-18 it's probably about a 4/10

My rank for each set more or less correlates to my enjoyment of the set. Higher rank = more enjoyable

que raro esta este parche de la oca.

I’ve been playing since season 2. This game has got me by the balls. And the dev team has had their shit together the last 2 seasons.( I will continue to change rating based on season)

A decent game, and it was especially great at the start.

Из всех авто батлеров этот был долгое время самым худшим, на релизе и годы после него разработчики вообще не понимали как балансировать игру и в неë откровенно противно было играть. Спустя 4+ года разрабы якобы нашли свой путь, и из-за того что Dota Underlords умерла, TFT это лучший автобатлер который остался, но это не отменяет того факта, что разработчики тупые ебланы которые не разбираются в том что делают


(I really really like this game and refuse to admit it)

best and worst game ever i love it

TFT is a better game than LoL cuz if you mess up, you can only blame yourself and you don't have to deal with annoying fucks the entire game.

peaked in set 7.5 got to plat, set 8 was the worst set ever and fkn hate this game now

i am very bad at all multiplayer games i touch, so i'm proud of myself for going from iron to gold in this in two weeks. first time not being total dogshit at a multiplayer game. w/ that said this is a waste of time and i will ideally never play it again

best sets (that i played):
Set 9 and 11
at the moment Plat III 86LP

Joguinho de tabuleiro do lol ótimo pra passar o tempo. Diferente da maioria dos jogos mesmo perdendo não consigo tiltar nesse jogo.

Why is this shit so addicting?

i've been playing since the first season when they added it to lol and i'm glad it got its players who log into lol to play tft only

Eu acho maneiro demais, entendo que tem que mudar o set sempre pra mudar o meta do jogo mas eu sou muito burro e acabo demorando demais pra me adaptar ao set atual e quando eu to evoluindo o set muda e la vai ter que aprender tudo de novo, foda! mas o jogo é bom

Gosto bastante de jogo de fazer builds e esse é um deles, se eu tivesse mais amigos jogando eu jogaria bem mais.

This stims me and I couldn't live without it also Annie and Vex are over tuned

Tanto esse quanto LoL seria hipócrita da minha parte não dar nota alta e jogar todo dia. Dito isso, ODEIO ESSA MERDA