Reviews from

in the past

Impressive for the time however the controls and mechanics don't work that great.

just started playing "video games" when does this "fortnite" show up

- open Tennis for Two
- play single player

divertido para jugar con friends en su epoca

not as good as everybody's 1-2 switch but whatever

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I did not play this on original hardware, but instead on a recreated browser port at:

I've also played a program of the game downloadable at: You may need to put to put this dll file in with the contents of the game:

Tennis for Two is one of the first-ever computer games and does a pretty good job of being original. Other computer games such as Draughts or XOX are one-to-one with their non-digital counterparts and are simply a new medium for enjoying the game. William Higinbotham instead decided to create a new game from scratch inspired by tennis. The controls are relatively simple--a controller with a dial and a button. Turning the dial will change the angle at which the ball is launched, and the button will hit the ball, given that it is on your side of the court. The game is relatively simple but can get repetitive quickly. Scoring a point relies on your opponent being unable to react to serving back the ball at an appropriate height with the dial. I have not played with the original hardware myself, and the two recreations I have played were not equitable. The first used the mouse to adjust the dial by clicking it, adjusting the angle, and clicking it again. A button to the side is used to serve. I may just be inexperienced at browser Tennis for Two, but these controls are just awful. The second uses just the cursor to click anywhere on the screen, and the ball will be launched in that general direction. Indeed it is much easier, but cannot entirely replicate the dial used.

Graphically, the game doesn't look half bad--it has everything you need shown to you. A flat court that counts for what shots are in-bounds, a net, and a ball accompanied by a trail. The trail of light really does define this game aesthetically. A simple circle or square could've been used on its own, but the trail does an amazing job at conveying the motion, and the smooth graphics of the Donner Model 30 allow this game to truly express itself as an original game.

While very basic-looking and lacking in controls, Higinbotham's Tennis for Two manages to establish its own identity as an original tennis-inspired video game. I hope that more original titles are soon to follow.

El primer juego de la historia, por ende; el mejor juego de la historia.

É interessante, ver a evolução da mídia; quando chegamos nesse primórdio, entendemos como as coisas andaram. Apesar do imenso problema, seja por questão técnica ou escolha, de não pode ver as raquetes, ainda é um jogo demasiadamente interessante. Uma base, talvez não muito sólida, mas que ajudou no caminhar de diversos jogos. Se reduzimos tudo, chegaríamos em algo próximo do que esse jogo entrega, claro que, aqui é uma redutiva um pouco extremista, porém, está de acordo com as ideias do que é necessário pra diferenciar uma simples interação de um game, propriamente dito.

This is the best game for its time, I don't how gaming will get better from here

The world was never the same after

(I played the browser version for two minutes and just felt like logging in one of the oldest games)

I mean... It's alright.. Prolly will never play it again but it's alright..

This review contains spoilers

The very first ball-type game, I felt my heart pumping with every hit. If it wasn’t for this game then Cars Mater-National Championship wouldn’t exist.

it's kinda fun tho.

Imagine there being no games, and then just... games.
Fucking mindblowing.

Played browser port at: just for this review. It's charming for what it is, I will have to use my imagination to pretend I'm in shock and awe at seeing this 50+ years ago, on a computer probably the size of my first apartment.

yo i just started video games when does mario show up

William Higinbotham: I'm about to ruined a whole generation and more generations to come